Headcanons With The Boys (Cute edition)

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Helloooooooooooo readers, hehehe. I am currently working on a new project, which will probably be my first real novel (cause I've already written one 3 years ago on another account). I'm not telling what will be the novel about and I won't upload the chapters until the whole book is done. You'll have to wait. ;)

So while I work on this new and big project, I can't really write the usual 4000 words I give you every one or two months. That's why I will give you something smaller, but still, I hope, fun and interesting to read. I will start with the headcanons, cute and spicy ones. For those who don't know what they are, it's basically specific situations or traits that you can find in a character such as nail biting when they're stressed or a cuddle lover. I'll be writing this type of stuff in the following months.

I don't know what to do after that so I need some suggestions and what better idea then to ask you, people, what you want to read next? So please, in the comments, text me who you want to see (fuck) next, where or when too if you want. Respect the couples that I created please! I will not remix my characters on this. The only remixing I will accept is cheating (yes, I love drama) but there again, depends of which characters you picked.

That is all for my big speech, now enjoy these little headcanons of mine. :33


Alexander (M x M):

- Brings you coffee/tea and breakfast in bed.

- Smells like sunscreen.

- Compliments your eyes and your lips often.

- Holds your hand randomly.

- Gets a bit more touchy when he's jealous.

- Buys you flowers every months.

- Touch is his love language.

- Lips taste like honey.

- Cooks to evacuate stress.

- Play with his hair whenever you want. He likes it.

- Will give you special hot cocoa when you feel down.

- Loves cuddling when watching romance.

- Matching sweaters/pyjamas.

- Curls up into a large ball when he sleeps to fit in your arms.

- Nicknames such as "Love", "Babe" and "Darling."

Dylan (M x M and M x F):

- Car rides lover.

- Holds your thigh when he drives.

- Kisses your hand when he takes it.

- Pine cologne.

- Takes you on dates.

- Loves to go hiking.

- Will blow on your hands when they're cold.

- Afternoon naps (for female, a lot more during your period.)

- Plays piano in his free time.

- Lips taste like cinnamon.

- Drags his fingers in your hair to help you fall asleep.

- Big spoon.

- Nicknames such as "Señorita", "Mi amor" and "Babe".

Alistair (M x F):

- Smoke kisses

- Brings you on motorcycle rides.

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