What if they met with Y/N? (Cute edition, part 1)

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Helloooo sweet readers! 

Here I am with my special idea of "What if my ocs met y/n". Basically, your favorite lovely characters meeting you in the most normal ways. Of course, for this to work, they are all single for you. These short texts won't affect the real stories, obviously.

Will you make them fall in love with you, or will they make you fall for them? 

Enjoy these little scenarios with each one of them :)


Alexander and male y/n:

Y/N's pov:

You're on your way back from college. This day obviously drained you of your energy: 2 exams of 3 hours in a row, then that extra hour to the gym. You could still feel the sweat slowly making its way to the hollow of your neck. The bag on your shoulders felt four times heavier than usual, it's pain. You move the little hair from your face, sighing of exhaust. The sun's heat was still hitting pretty hard at this time and sadly, no wind was around to bring you a little fresh help. You think to yourself how you should've chosen a lighter shirt to wear today knowing the weather had been announced hot and dry. Your fault for being too stubborn to believe it.

You pass by the cute, styled café you're now seeing pretty often since you moved in your apartment. You stop by it, looking at the shop itself for a moment. The brown solar canvas above you head was hiding the sun rays from spotting you. The letters of the café's name were curly and white, welcoming. Inside, it looked pretty calm and nice. You can spot some girls in the back, a smile lighting there faces. Then, near the counter, a cute couple holding hands on the table as they chat. Another was alone, reading a book with a fresh drink by his hand. From all this nice aesthetic, you smile gently and decide to step inside.

It was way colder once inside then outside. The place was filled with nice refreshing air and a little song was being played in the radios. People didn't even bother to check on you when you entered, as if they were deeply concentrated in their lecture or conversation. You drop your bag softly next to the chair you chose to sit on, close to the window. You take a long look around, seeing the little paintings framed on the walls. They were all including coffees and little desserts such as cookies. Your eyes stay a little longer on that one drawing of a cat in a cup, its fur dripping of coffee. You laugh silently and bring your attention to the close sound of footsteps.

It was a medium height man standing in front of you, a large smile on his face. Apart from his very pale skin, his eyes had this normal green color and his hair were brown and plain. At first, he looks kinda chubby with his hoodie, but you soon realize that he's floating in it. After a few seconds, he starts speaking with this sweet, yet kinda entertaining voice.

Alexander: Good evening, young sir, what can I serve you today?

Y/N: Hum... What would you suggest me? It's my first time here.

Alexander: Oh, a new finder? Well, if you prefer a sweet or sugary tastes, I suggest you go with smoothies or cappuccinos. The people's personal favorite is the basic strawberry and banana smoothies with wipe cream and small chocolate pieces on top. Otherwise, if you're more of a bitter, but still soft drink, we have teas, lattes, espressos. If you wish, I can bring you the list of all our specialties and favorites.

Y/N: Could you please bring me one? I think it'll be easier for me.

Alexander: Right away, no worries.

He winks at you with a nice smile and turns his back on you, walking back behind the counter to search for that menu he mentioned. You easily smile as he comes back, putting a large sheet of paper in front of you, placing himself behind you and leaning down to point out some names. His face was near yours and as he was showing his favorites with one hand, the other was resting on the back of your chair, near your shoulder. So close you could feel the warmth of his body against yours.

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