Interesting Trip

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Lore's pov:

Teacher: Alright students, now, before you leave, I have some news for you.

I raise my eyes from my books, chewing the tip of my pencil as usual. Through my glasses, I could see Mr. Golden holding some papers with a smile. What would it be this time? An exam? A test? Some more homework? Nah, he wouldn't be smiling like that if it was, it seems different than his "evil" smile.

Teacher: Since we are in the theme of war, some history teachers and I decided to take you guys on a trip to San Diego, so we can visit the USS Midway Museum.

Random student: Is it like the big place with aircrafts and battleships?

Teacher: Indeed. We will all see some great machines and discuss about it. Plus, since it is far, we chose to make it a three-day trip, which means there will be an amount of money to pay us and some teams to make for the hotel rooms.

As most boys and girls start shouting their thoughts and happiness, I turn over to Alistair, who was sitting at the back of the class. He notices me and my worried expression right away, responding to it with a concerned face. I turn back and sigh silently at my place. I shouldn't be like this right now, I should think about all the great stuff we are going to see and do. Yea, that's right. I smile slightly, trying to move this information on the side of my head, while I stand up and grab my stuff because the bell rings.


The eating noises of Alistair just make me even more nervous. I can't stop thinking about it! I try to look at him, remember how great he is and what love we share, but it doesn't matter: the trip has all my attention. As for my food, can't even touch it. My stomach wouldn't support it right now. The moment I think that, a leaf of lettuce is being lifted up to my mouth. I look up and I see Alistair holding it, his greenish eyes on mine.

Alistair: Try to eat some, I don't like seeing you like this.

Lore: I know, but it's easy to say for someone who isn't stressed. This trip is messing with my head.

Alistair: I know you're afraid of flights, but I'll be there this time. I'll hold your hand, whisper some reassuring stuff to you, take your mind off the thought of being hundreds of miles in mid air.

Lore: I know all that already, sweetheart. I just worry too much.

Alistair: I noticed.

He moves his hand to my cheek, rubbing it with his thumb like he does when I'm sad or anxious. I hold it, smiling a bit, and eat the piece of lettuce he was holding up all this time. He smiles back at me and chuckles.

Alistair: Alright. I'm going to warn Elle about this. As for you, warn your mother. She'll have a panic attack if she learns about us taking the plane alone.

Lore: We won't be alone, classmates and teachers will be on board with us.

Alistair: I'm just saying.

I eat some more of my salad and look outside the window where I can see some colorful leaves on the sidewalks. Autumn is already turning to an end, the air is getting friskier day after day. I'll miss these fresh winds.

Lore: We should try to get a room together. Although I'm pretty sure the boys will be separated from the girls, we could try to convince Mr. Golden for an exception.

Alistair: Unless something random happens when the deadline is called.

Lore: What do you mean, something random?

Alistair: Ah, you know me. Every troublemakers will know what I mean by that.

He winks with his familiar grin: he was about to cause trouble. I roll my eyes even though I can't be mad at him and drink some of my iced tea. I had this weekend to relax before the trip of Monday, it should be alright 'til then.

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