A Nice Film

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Hi, it's me. Just wanna warn you that this is a bit shorter than usual only because I am tired and always busy. Imma try to write a bit more when I can.

Anyways, have a nice reading! ;)


Alexandre's pov:

Can't believe they decided to have a movie night in the middle of the Christmas holidays. It's fucking cold out there, I swear, I am freezing to the bones. Luckily, I have Dylan near me to bring me warmth as we walk from the car to the cinema. Eden called us yesterday so we all, boys, can go watch the new Thor movie. Obviously, at first, I wanted to refuse because I planned to pass my weekend with Dylan but he insisted on it. With us three, there was also Alistair who joined the group. It is a guy night.

Eden: I'm so excited to see this movie! The other ones were awesome.

Alistair: Dunno, I only saw Thor in the Avenger movies.

Alex: Same here.

Eden: Am I the only one who watched all Thor movies? For real?

Dylan: I mean, I saw Ragnarok but that's it.

Eden: Come on guys, that's disappointing!

I chuckle as they keep arguing on the subject. My lips were trembling from the cold, so were my legs and hands. I am barely wearing anything : a tuque, some light coat and boots, no gloves or scarf. I wish I had brought those though. As I think that to myself, Dylan whispers in my ear:

Dylan: Little idiot, why didn't you bring anything to warm yourself up?

Alex: Because I have you as my special heater.

Dylan: Aw, cute.

He kisses my cheeks, holding me from behind, his arms around my waist. I just giggle and keep following the two other boys who are still arguing about the movies. It doesn't last long because we soon enter the cinema. Walking in, I feel way less cold and I stop trembling like a leaf in the wind. Eden walks to the reception, showing the tickets that he bought online and the guy at the desk gives him four little piece of papers that he ripped. We can see Eden walking back to us afterward.

Eden: I don't know for you, but I'm getting popcorn.

Alistair: Hell yeah, no movie without popcorn.

Alex: I dunno, I prefer potato chips.

Eden: What? You can't be serious!

Alistair: Popcorn here is extra delicious!

Alex: Still.

They all pay for their bags of popcorn and I buy some chips with a blue slushy. Dylan also buys some red slush with his popcorn. After that, we all enter the big dark room and sit at the back, near the speakers and the wall. I placed myself near the exit of the row, knowing I would go to the bathroom multiple times as usual.

Dylan: The movie starts in 20 minutes, we arrived way too soon.

Eden: It's fine, man, we can just talk 'til it starts.

I take a sip of my slushy, staring at all three of them: Eden is super excited and talks about the other Thor movies to Dylan so he doesn't get confused during this one. Alistair is eating his bag of popcorn so fast he could choke on it. It's almost funny.

Eden: Just so you know, there is a girl with the same powers as Thor in this movie.

Alistair: Come on, man! Why spoil it?

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