A Weird One

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*Notice: This story is a bit more fluff than spicy because it is a total new ship I just came up with. It's also shorter than the others because I have school and I need sleep :'  Anyways, I'll probably write more about them sometimes, I hope you'll like them. Enjoy your reading! ;)


Aether's pov:

"The series I read last week was quite interesting, but I feel like reading Harry Potter again, or The Mortals Instruments. Maybe Vampire Diaries. Agh! I am still at it again! How am I going to go through the year if I keep thinking of this book and that book." I sigh and walk out of the library for the fourth time today, like I can't pass a day without going in there. I walk around the school, now with my headphones on. I'm just in my bubble, my space, my world. I just can't stop thinking of that new novel I'll buy this weekend.

But at the same time, I rethink of that weekend where I'll have to endure my grand-parents' weird thoughts on my look, my orientation, how I am a sin to the family and bla, bla, bla. I sigh once again and look around... and don't know where I am. Great, lost in such a big school, the best way to have trouble with their parents. I'm in some random corridor with lots of doors. What am I suppose to do now.

Somehow, a door opens as I think that. Because I have nothing else to do, I just enter, curious. I stop right at the first step in when I see a group of boys in chic costumes turning on me. One of them speaks :

- Young lady, the host club is closed right now.

- Host club? I ask. We have that here?

The smaller guy just nods with a happy smile. As for the 4 others, they just look at each other. The one that spoke walks up to me and takes my face between his longue and slim fingers.

- Now you know, so how about you visit us when you have time~..?

I blush instantly as the tallest guy in the room hits him in the back of the neck. The man in front of me collapse right away with a light scream.

- My apologizes for his behavior, says the tallest. He's a big flirt and an asshole.

- It's ok, I say. I think I should just go now.

- No, stay a while with us to talk! shouts the shortest.

- I really can't sorry.

I walk backwards and hit the door that was now closed behind me. I open it, embarrassed, and walk out, wondering what the hell happened. I walk a bit fast, trying to find a door or a staircase. I just can't. So I turn around to go see the boys again, because probably that one of them knows where the exit is? Like magic, someone was in front of me and I bump in them. Even greater. I raise my eyes and I see the same guy who flirted with me not even a minute ago. I blush slightly, turning my eyes away from him and asks :

- Are you following me?

- No, you just seem lost and I wanna help.

- I don't see what you mean, I say like an innocent.

- Oh no? You didn't know what the host club was, so I guess you've never been to the third floor, which means you don't know where you are because nobody ever comes to the third floor unless it's to see us.

- Why? Because you and your gang are the school presidents or something?

He chuckles lightly and puts his arm around my back, leading me further in the hallway, walking beside me. I wasn't so sure of who he is but his manners reminded me of some guy coming out of a novel. Like he read my mind, he restarts talking.

- I know, I act a bit weirder than other guys, but no worries, I'm not always like that.

- Huh-uh..

- I never asked your name, dear, may I have it?

- I'm Aether, you? I answer even though I don't know him at all.

- Robin, like the little thief in the children's story, he says while looking at me.

- I know who that is, thank you.

We keep walking a bit and he keeps looking at me strangely, passing his hand from my back to my shoulder, quite funny. At some point, I see stairs not so far away from us. I rush away from him.

- Oh, the stairs, thank you. I can go on my own now.

- You don't want my company? he asks, making some puppy eyes.

- Why? So you can tease me more?

- No, I just like such a person like you. Someone who seems either like a boy or a girl.

- That's because I am non-binary, dummy.

- My, such words to an innocent man like me, Robin says with his teasing voice again.

I roll my eyes and start walking down the stairs. Eventually, he follows me. I turn to him and he gives me a huge smile.

- Seriously, you don't have to follow me, I tell him.

- I'm not following you, I'm leaving as well, he then answers.

- You sound like some clingy guy who says that just to be with their crush.

- So? What if I was this type of character?

I want to say something, but keep my mouth shut, rethinking of what he just said. How can someone like him fall for me... in such a short time?! I mean we met like 5 minutes ago. No way!

- Funny, but no thanks, I can't believe that.

- Don't you believe in love at first sight? he asks, smirking slightly as he gets downstairs faster to face me.

- Not even a bit, I lie.

Robin sighs dramatically and then grabs my wrist gently to pull me onto him. With surprise, I let out a scream, but don't try to push away. I stop, right there, trying to process what just happened in my confused mind. He brings his face near my ear and whispers silently:

- How about we make it exist?

I don't understand at first so I just stand in place, wondering what to say or think. He brings back his face to mine and kisses my lips. My reaction passes from shock, to doubt and then calm. He is so careful and soft. He doesn't even go further than that, just a kiss. But did I just kiss a stranger?! I get away from him, flustered and concerned. I hold my mouth with one hand, re-watching the scene in my head with a lot of questions.

Robin just laughs and smile. I end up looking at him, seeing a total other side of him : he is truly a loveable character, someone we could imagine in a book, a story, a novel of romance. He looks so pure, so light and angelic. I look at the ground, now with mixed emotions.

- Say, Robin, I start. Would you mind making this love at first sight reality to me?

It sounds so stupid, I shouldn't say that. He stares at me, still smiling with that sweet look. I never thought love at first sight could come into my life on day, it only happens in fictional stories. Somehow, that afternoon, the world proved me wrong, as I was in my little world, my bubble, my thoughts, with a lovely prince kissing me with agreement. 

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