Dirty Secrets

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Alistair's pov:

You talk about a place to meet up. It's fucking cold here, and dark. Plus, he makes me wait, what's his problem. My cigarette between my lips, I let out a cloud of smoke from my nose. I am waiting for now around 30 minutes for him to arrive. I don't say his name because I don't even know it, easy enough, no? So it's always him, he, sometimes her. Crazy these days how many they are to take this crap. I look back in my pocket, the delivery still inside in safety from curious eyes. I just hope he arrives soon, it's fucking late.
The clock ticking across the street is showing 11:35pm, meaning I'll be in trouble once I get back home. Elle must be worried and she probably called the parents already, hopefully not. I keep smoking, trying to calm myself down, but doesn't quite work, so I pick on my nails, starting to stress. It never happened to me before, what's taking him so long? Did he call the cops on me? Am I at the wrong place maybe? I check my phone for the fifth time this evening and check the time and place. I am not mistaken.
Finally, a car pulls over the sidewalk and a man walks out.

- You're the dealer? he says quietly.

- Yup, it's me. Was there a problem, why are you here so late, mate?

As I say that, I shake his hand with a smile, passing him the bag of herbs I had in my pocket.

- I was at the bar and some friends of mine wanted to chat. I'm sorry I didn't warn you.

- Nah, it's fine, I tell him. So, you have the money you owe me?

- Yea, hold on.

The man takes the little bag he wears on his back in his hands and opens it, putting the delivery inside. He then searches for something, which I thought is money at first, but ends up being a loaded gun. I back away instantly, raising my hands near my head.

- Wow, wow, easy man! What's this?

I laugh nervously, not knowing what else to do. Is he a cop himself? A secret agent? No, I would have guessed.

- Empty your pockets, he says with a shaky voice.

- I have nothing, mate.

- Empty your pockets or I call the cops!

His hand is trembling like it is the first he is holding a gun at someone. I drop my smile and empty my pockets one by one, letting some coins and some cigarettes fall on the sidewalk.

- Happy? I ask, staring into his eyes.

- Take of your clothes, he continues with the same shaky voice.

- No way! I'm not getting fucking naked in front of you!

- Just do as I say, little dick!

I keep staring at him, not moving a muscles. He gets angrier, I see it, but I'm not going to let him control me like some puppet. I take a step at him. He gets his second hand on the gun, dropping his bag to the ground.

- What do you think you are doing, huh? he shouts. You wanna die, kid?

- No, but I hope you do, shitty asshole.

- Last warning! Give me everything you have on you!

He puts his finger on the trigger, still pointing the gun to me like a child with no experience. I take another step forward, pushing me directly in the guy and grabbing the side of the gun to lift it up. The man starts panicking, trying to get the point of the gun back down to shoot me, but I pull the trigger and the bullet disappears in the air. I keep clicking, but it seems there was only one shot cause it was now empty. The man then tries to push me away, but I hit him directly in the face, throwing the gun away.
I run away, I try at least, because I already hear the siren coming from the street behind me. I just hide in the alleys, running as fast as possible through them. I keep running until I find an exit. Without thinking, I get out, arriving on another street. I see around 3 police cars waiting for me at this place, all pointing at me with their guns. I sigh and get my hands behind my head, not able to get out of there alone.

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