From too crowded to lonely

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Hellooooooo! I am so sorry for the inactivity guys, I'm still a student after all so school shit and all. But I haven't forgotten about you, my sweet little dirty readers~

Enjoy this new story of mine, probably one of my favorite ;)


New Characters:

- Enzo White, he/him, 18 years old, a shy "nerd" guy, always in his studying.

- Jeremy Wiston, he/him, 20 years old, bit of an influencer and an asshole around his folks, but nice around certain people.


Enzo's pov:

Looking at the shelf in front of me, I notice that there's a book missing, even more than one. Harry Potter, 6th novel: it isn't the first time that it goes missing, it might be the best of all in my opinion. I note it down on my sheets and keep going down the alley. I see that "The Tails of Dracula", "Cinderella" and "The Little Mermaid" are also missing in the kids' section. Three books from "The Smurfs" are missing as well. What a pain...
I walk back to the librarian's desk where this one was sitting, and I hand him the sheets. He smiles at me and wishes me a silent "Good evening" as I walk my way to the door, waving him back. It was time for a coffee, then taking the bus back to the apartment where Jeremy and Eden are probably waiting for me for some stupid reason like "need of food" or "need help with studies". I love these guys but jeez, sometimes, they're tiring. Not even mentioning the girls they're usually bringing home during weekends. Luckily, they're going hiking this specific weekend, so I'll have the room to myself.
I leave the building, taking my umbrella out and opening it above my head. I walk my way on the sidewalk and look both sides before crossing the road. I hold the two books I borrowed against my chest, so they don't get caught by the rain and I rush my way to the apartment. I love to watch rain, but jeez, it's a pain to walk through it. My shoes are already wet. I accelerate my steps, almost running and I walk inside another building.
Finally in the apartment, I walk upstairs, to the second floor, and I turn to the left where room 113 is. I take my keys out, unlocking it, and enter.

Enzo: I'm home!

My shout reaches a wall: no answers come back to me. Though, I can hear the voices of Jeremy and Eden in the living room. I take my boots and coat off before stepping out of the entrance with my bag. I look over to the living room and see the two boys on the couch, eating crackers and talking above the sound of the television. Jeremy is the first to turn to me, smiling.

Jeremy: Sup, shorty.

Enzo: Don't call me that, asshole.

I grab an empty box laying on the counter and throw it at him as he laughs. Eden taps Jeremy's shoulder to get back his attention, saying the movie was getting interesting. As nobody pay attention to me, I grab an apple in the fridge and go to my room, closing the door. I drop my bag on my bed and open my laptop. Sitting on my chair, I take a bite of the apple and type my password in my laptop. I look back, hearing the boys scream in the other room and when I bring back my eyes on my screen, I see that Porn Hub is still open from last night.
My stare widens and my cheeks turn instantly red. I click as fast as I can on the "x" at the top of the page, putting the volume of the laptop on mute. I take a few seconds to calm down from what I just saw and open Spotify. Plugging my headphones in, I start the music and I open a "Word" to start my essay - some work that needs to be done for next Friday, but I always do my stuff in advance. Taking another bite of my apple, I notice something is missing on my desk. I look around, checking under it, beside it. I check under my bed, under the blankets, beside the bed. I opened every drawer one after one, it was missing.
"Oh fuck" I think to myself, searching everywhere a second time. "I locked my door before leaving, haven't I? It can't be one of the boys, no?". I blush of embarrassment, hoping a thousand times that none of them found it. I sit back down on my chair, getting my headphones back in my ears, and I try to calm down and forget about it. As I fill my white page of words, I finish my apple and throw the heart in the garbage behind me. I think my music was a bit too loud because when a hand appeared on my shoulder, I literally jumped off my chair and fell from panic.

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