Held By the Devil

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I just couldn't let you on hang like this, so I wrote you another short story. How nice of me, isn't it? :)

Since there was a slight change of plans in my life, the novel might take way longer than I excepted. But, the good thing is that I shall deliver not one, but two novels if possible in the future (one with smut, the other without.) 

But for now, enjoy this new creation of mine. I had a nice time writing it. 


Lore's pov:

It is dark. Dark and obscure. I can't see anything aside from the orange glow of the torches ahead of me. The air is suffocating from the heat, smelling like dead fish and burnt toasts. Only the ground on my back feels cold, almost icy. It is a total silence. Only the sound of my breathing breaks through the quietness, that and the creaking sound of a rope following my every move.

My limbs are numb. My muscles, my bones. Everything in my body is numb. There is a large pain around my wrists and my ankles, under my breast and on my neck. I feel so weak and strained. The exhaustion makes me forget about the fear that this place brings me. I'm just so tired, like I took some drug to fall asleep and I'm just trying to fight against it.

I squirm around, the ropes around me rubbing against my skin. I whine, it hurts so much I just whine. I can't stand, I can't even sit. I'm just laying there like a worthless worm. I turn my face to what I believe is the entrance of the room I'm in, hoping someone could simply come in and talk to me. By moving my head this way, some strands of my blond hair fall on my face, bringing an annoying itchy feeling. I sigh, closing my eyes and giving up trying to understand the situation I'm in. Mind as well sleep since I can't do or see anything.

And just like that, the sound of a first step comes to my ears, then a second. I widen my eyes, trying to figure out who or what is coming to me. A frail figure is walking towards me, something trailing behind it. Every step it takes breaks through the shadow surrounding us. I'm starting to see more of the figure: a tall black man, wearing nothing but a weird looking skirt. He had a bandanna holding his hair up... and then I noticed the two reddish horns on his head. I suddenly look a bit lower. The thing that was "following" him all this time was wings. "What in the world is going on" I think to myself as I understand I'm laying at the feet of a demon.

The guy kneels down to me and, without a word, scoops me into his arms. I gasp in surprise, feeling a bit uneasy with this unknown demon – with reason. The second I'm in his arms, he walks out of the dark place for a long while. We move through what seems to be a corridor, torches lighting the path every minute or so. After a long walk, I start to see some colors, some shades. We finally make it out of the darkness and I am in pure shock. The world I usually know was now totally burnt down!

The trees are nothing more than dead trunks, the floor is brown dirt, splattered of red. The sky has the same red tint as blood, scaring the shit out of me. Barely anyone is walking around, only tired and exhausted bodies crawling. The heat comes from these huge volcanos who took the place of the beautiful mountains; the fishy smell come from a pile of dead dismembered bodies; the odour of rot comes from the demons themselves. I wish I could just pinch my nose, but with my hands tied behind my back like that, mission impossible.

The more we walk into these weird lands, the closer we get from the high building in front of us, which is, I'm sure of it, a castle. The walls are made of rock only and a long bridge is passing from our point to the castle, right above a river of blood. The windows are all small and squarish, having metal bars for glass. A large cloud of smoke was floating around like something is on fire constantly. The door is kept closed by two other tall men with large biceps and polearms. We pass the bridge and I look up, avoiding the sight of the bloody water below which crashes against the walls of the castle, causing a loud sound to echo. The guy holding me shares some inaudible words with the other two and they both open the door.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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