What if they met with Y/N? (Cute edition, part 2)

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And we're back at it, the meetings. This is the part 2, after a  LONG  two months. 

I'm so sorry for the inactivity, new projects came to mind and there's school who's killing me with events and homework. My life as an artist is kinda hard to follow... 😓

I know for sure now that I will have to write a chapter with Alistair and female y/n as a lot of you asked for it. I think, although, that I will do it on another book, if you see what I mean. You'll have to go see my profile for the new upcoming stuff. I will warn you when the times come.

Even if I have new ideas in line, don't be shy to text me or comment on the Q&A chapter about your ideas and wants. I'll make sure to check them out, see if it can become a reality. 

Anyways, this part 2 is probably the one you were missing for some of you so there, I'm not holding you longer. Have a nice reading ;)


Isabelle and male y/n :

Y/N's pov:

You're sitting at the counter of the bar, a glass of beer in your hands. The colorful lights of the room passing above you and in your eyes bring you too much of a headache to join your friends on the dancing floor so you decided to keep it calm and stood apart. You start feeling a bit lonely, but at least you don't look like a dingus like one of your folks now vomiting next to a girl. You chuckle, sipping on your glass and looking a bit everywhere, not knowing where to land your eyes. You weren't sure what to do honestly: staring randomly at a woman would probably put you in trouble or make you look dumb and perverted.

At some point, you hear a loud laugh not so further away that catches your attention. Your eyes stop on a blond hair girl, the one laughing, who's stepping back from some other dude. She had this bright smile and pretty green eyes. The black crop top and skirt made her pale skin almost shine through. Too focused on these details, you don't notice how close of you she was now and she sat on your lap out of warning, still giggling at the other random guy. Your eyes widened, surprised, then she turned her face to yours.

Isabelle: Sorry babe, am I interrupting your little lonely moment?

She pouts under your confused stare and then she leans near your ear, whispering with a shaky, yet clear voice.

Isabelle: I don't know the dude behind me, help me.

She then kisses your ear, smiling again as she lays her head on your shoulder. You fake a slight smile and let out a random chuckle.

Y/N: Of course not, love, you're fine.

You kiss her forehead and the guy in front of you made his smile disappear quite fast. With a "tch", he walks off with a drunk step, his hands in his pockets. When he disappears, the girl on your lap sighs and looks at you.

Isabelle: Thanks so much, man. I owe you one, really.

She stands off your lap, readjusting her hair and skirt down. She then smiles at you again, looking you up and down before speaking.

Isabelle: The name's Isabelle. Yours?

Y/N: Y/n. I'm glad I could help.

You exchange a smile with Isabelle before she turns off and walks back on the dance floor, back to her excitement like nothing happened. She kept checking on your for the rest of the night as you stayed at the bar and soon enough, both of your Instagrams were shared. As the night goes on, you check this account of hers, seeing some nice pictures of her 5'2" figure. You even like some of her posts while your at it, commenting one or so. After a moment, another picture pops on her page. You take a look at it, seeing her on the dance floor in front of you with a bunch of other girls.

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