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Close your weary eyes

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Close your weary eyes.. If you are tired..

Song  :  ?


The brunette sat on the comfortable red couch, while watching the pinknette making her hot coa coa

She stared at the wooden fire, the wood slowly getting swallowed by the piercing fire, as smoke slowly escaping themselves through the chimney

Then a mug was placed on top of a table in front of her, the puffs of white smoke floating up releasing its steams

Marshmellow's floating on top of the chocolate, as the colour of brown staining half of its pure white body

She never have guessed

She slowly took the handle of the mug, while slowly taking its weight up from the said table

While bringing it up towards her lips, as she softly blew on it

Her other hand held the other side, so that it wouldn't fall, and burn her thighs

She took a sip, as colours appears in her eyes while tasting the hot coa coa for the first time after a long decades

She really did missed it here.. While taking another sip trying to contain herself from drinking its whole and burn her tongue

"Is it good?" A monotone voice spoke out beside her, as the couch seem to bent a lot on the other side by the heavy weight

As Y/n look beside her, to be met with those blue eyes

"Yea.. It's good" she said while taking another sip of it, while biting one if the marshmallow and ate it

"Mmm" she humed at the sweetness, while happily chewing it

She took in the surroundings of the room, as a netherite axe was hanged with all its glory on the wall

Her boots and of course Techno's, was placed right beside the stand, where there the red royal coloured cape was placed

Another thing is that, she saw something hanging on the wall right beside the ender chest right under it

Golden chained, as it wasn't looped around like a neckless, it held on to an emerald, that was surrounded protectively with gold

With a shape that she had not yet recognize

"Are you done adapting yet?" His voice trying to break the silence that is weirdly to loud for both of them

"Yea..? I don't know, it's weird got taken in by a complete stranger to their house after getting lost in the middle of a forest, I felt kidnapped" she said bluntly while sipping another drink from her hot coa coa

He chuckle, she definitely reminded him of someone who left off with his twin towards the wilderness deciding to part their ways from him

"Make sense" He said while looking over at her, he noticed how colourful her looks are on how her hoodie was mixed in different colours as a cyan swirls on the front of her jacket looking like a portal

Rainbow socks? And short black pants

Black googles with green glasses, around her neck hanged a silver neckless, as the same coloured small version of a book was hanging on it, the same swirl symbol on her hoodie

Does it mean something? Meh

It was really an awkward atmosphere, not to mention how quiet it is around here

"This is boring, you suck at speaking" she spoke out with a huffed while chewing another Marshmellow "what am I supposed to do, with a child? " He said as she grumbled

"Grown ups are boring" she said, as she could feel on how ick he was at that statement

"Yea, I could be more fun then this kid" He said while standing up from the sofa while bringing his mug towards the kitchen counter

"Doubt it!"

He grumbled, while deciding to clean the mug on the dishwasher

Small light footsteps was heard, as a mug was put right beside the dishwasher "Thank you!" She said while running off towards the sofa again

Y/n look towards the pinknette while looking out towards the window

She gets off the couch, her covered feet that was covered by the socks, started walking on the cold platform, reaching out on he tippy toes looking at the aurora decorating the starry sky

She didn't noticed the pinknette watching her from the kitchen door frame leaning against it


It's really rare to see views like this

The shimmering sky, as the moonlight shine lighting up the darkness showing it's elegant beauty

Her eyes glimer like the starts above, the feeling of amazed her heart feeling touched by the view

"I never got your name you know" His voice spoke out, as Y/n gaze on the reflection of the glass window

"It's.. Y/n, but people prefer to call me
N/n" she said while turning around, her hazel eyes held a soft gaze like the puffy clouds on the sky

As it meets with blue ones, it is like the cold hardware ice, the cold sea that can eat people alive

Y/n felt herself sinking into his eyes, as if she couldn't float anymore in the water

"I am Technoblade" He said while looking at her, her eyes never looked away only merely giving him a hint of taunting look

"I think it's past your bedtime" He said looking at the moon that was about to be right on top of their heads

"Come on" He said, walking away, Y/n then run towards him from behind following him towards upstairs

They walked inside the hall, he opened one of the room to reveal a guest room that was rarely used by anyone, by how clean it is

"Sleep here.." He said while pushing her inside, she look at the room before walking over the bed and sat down

The soft sheets.. She missed this, well, she hadn't got sleep after awhile, her travelling shorten her sleep schedule

She layed down on her side, her eyes weary as she humed a soft tune before falling into deep sleep..


I miss Technoblade

I miss Technoblade

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