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Now I have to remember you longer then I've known you

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Now I have to remember you longer then I've known you

Song  :  Roslyn  •  Bon iver & ST. Vincent


The wind must've had been gloomy this past few weeks.. The way it's softly sway half heartedly outside

Counting the petals of the flower that had fallen to the ground
Each sun down, feels like a fever dream

Y/n's head laid on the open window, as she lean her head to her arms who is tucked nicely under her head

Watching the snow falls, while counting how many seconds, minutes and hours as she wait for her brother to come and get her

It usually doesn't take that long, it would've been a day then a few weeks, just where is he?

Well— she can just travel alone, but without destination, she can't go anywhere

Going back in time over and over again will waste her energy and when she sleeps that is where her brother is on the move

Is he dead?

"No— nah, he can't be" she muttered while looking at the fallen leaf that landed on the soft snow

Although.. He can die, and get stuck in the other side

A sudden knock, it wasn't harsh nor loud, it was soft and enough to reach her ears
"Come in!" She yell while still looking out to the window

Y/n gaze over her shoulder, to see the owner of the house had came in holding a plate of fresh food

She frown as he put the food on the table, where she read her books most of the time

"You ok?" He asked, while looking at her small figure leaning against the open window, as fresh cold air filled the room and yet she looks unshaken

"I'm just worried about my brother" She said while standing up from leaning against the window, she closed the window as some snow seem to fall by the impact of the closed window

He humed, watching as she walked towards the table, and sat down on the chair

"Anyways, do you wanna come with me? I am going farm in the Nether—" before he finished his sentence, the girl instantly look at him "YES" She yell

He chuckle while patting her head, he left the room waiting for her to finish her food


Y/n held Techno's hand, as the warmth of his body radiats towards her hand
Burning them in the slightest, but it felt comforting on how cold the snow is

Techno in the other hand seemed surprised, the sudden touch seemingly as if she was seeking for guidance along the way

Well, she is a child

Her hand was cold, comparing to his warm ones, he held her hand
While walking towards the portal, that is a few blocks away from his house

Y/n walked with him, the snow scrunch beneath her feet, satisfying to hear

As they walked towards the portal, everything was spinning images appearing on her head..

This feels just like how she travels a lot of the time

Although as they walked out of the portal
Y/n look at the surroundings of the nether
The sudden burning warmth surrounding her body

She sigh quietly, "You ok?" Techno asked while looking down at the girl, "Yea" she said while looking up at him

He nodded his head, while pulling her hand softly indicating that they should be on the move now

The walk on the hot platform, crimson veins running with slight tints of fire that lights up, the fiery orange colour as it was lighting the said realm with fierce

Y/n followed still beside him, looking at the said pigmens, their bone structure sticking out on the half of their face

Then they reach a said biome, the leaves seem stiff and coloured blue
The logs had veins running with the same colour looming with colour

Although she seemed fascinated, she had been in the nether, but this seems new to see for herself

Well.. Someone is warming up


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