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✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

Song  : Someone to stay  °  Vancouver sleep clinic
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Y/n felt herself getting sucked away by life piece by piece, slowly..

"Focus your aim on the enemy"

His voice commanded, she hits the manequin, it was a weak hit, considering she wasn't one made for fighting

"Again, use all of your strength as if it was your last line of defense" He said, as she hit is a lot more stronger this time, it almost fell over


That praise felt meaningful then ever, coming out from his mouth
"Harder" He said, as glitches of particles appear on her hand

As she then swing it with her all might, as it slahed the manequin into half

She seemed shocked.. Surprised

He humed in satisfaction, "Good job" He said walking towards her side and patted her head

"Fast learner get stronger, slow learner get quicker" He said while crouching beside her, as she watch the manequin dissapearing into small particles of white

She looks at her hand that was clutching the sword, her heart beating fast, and loud that her ear could probably hear it pounding

'What is this.. ? Is this what they call adrenaline?'

She watch as Techno grabbed another manequin as she watch
She humed at the qoute he had just said

"Y/n" she gazed up towards him, hearing her name slipping out of his mouth
"Ready your sword, Enemies can be anywhere, put your guard up for any sound" He said

She gazed at her hand again, before focusing back up

"It's simple, the mannequin will be pushed towards your direction, I want you to slice it to half" He said

She looks up, with determination, as she watch her surroundings

One mannequin was thrown towards her direction, as she moved to her left a little bit, her feet sliding to the side as she throw her sword up slicing it

Another one was heard, by the sound of the piston, as she harshly turn around and swing her sword slicing it

Another one came. As her sword swing it to half.

After many.. Did

She pant's tiredly, feeling her energy is getting drained slowly by all the slicing

Pushing down to her limits, she swinged her sword again, the other one came along with a sword with ten times the speed

She reacted by doing a backflip, and cartwheel to the side, barely missing the sword

She sat there on her butt, breathing heavily with shock

"Good job" He said, his tone set in amusement, while seemingly pressing a button

"Come on kid" His voice spoke, while pulling her arm up to her feet
As he then started to walk off, making her run to follow and catch up behind him

She hadn't heard anyone called her that before.. It's funny

Sitting down.. In the soft grass, felt itchy but she got used to it anyway

"Come on kid"

That voice.. It felt familiar, she looks up to see her father smiling softly down at her while patting her head

"Sorry kid, next time maybe"

She looks down on the crunchy sounded snow, while following the Blade in front of her

"You ok Kid?"

She looks up, to see him still back facing her while talking
"You always make sarcastic remarks, where did that go?" He said gazing over his shoulder

Her face was gloomy, something he had seen before, the colour draining out even though they're still there

"Sorry kid, was the training to hard?"

"No, it was shit, but it's fine"

She responded, as he chuckle

He then stopped suddenly making her bump into his back "What the fuck?" She muttered

He then crouch suddenly, making her confused and backed away a little bit
"I'll give you a piggy back ride home, you deserved it" He said

She looks at him, then at his back

She walked over, her arms wrapped around his shoulder, as he then placed his both of his arms in between her legs to support her

Standing up, as she looks down, she had never felt so tall

He started walking, as she reach her hand up to a snowflake, he would glance time to times, to see her expression

She was either in another dimension, or feeling like she was

She then lean her head to his shoulder, smiling softly while closing her eyes
Her breathing evening

It felt calm and nice, as the breezy snow fly around both of them

She was asleep.

Soft snores was a music dancing in his ears, he felt that as if he doesn't need to search for her brother anymore

Not that he needed her anyways, he never came along in this side at all to search her

His expression soften to a small smile, maybe this is what Phil felt like being a father


Seeing the little cottage he made in the distance, made him slow down his walking, but yet fasten again

Knowing full well it was cold out in the snow like this

He then started to run towards the cottage, making sure to stop once every second seeing her discomfort

Opening the door, to see Steve inside purring against the floor, he smiled

Walking inside opening his boots, while walking towards upstairs

Moving her to be carried in front, she wasn't that heavy anyways, it was easy to carry her here

Opening the door of her room, he peeled of her boots, while placing her down on the soft bed, pulling the sheets up to cover her

He smiled while rubbing her cheek, before grabbing her shoes and went out the door

Leaving her to rest

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