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It is both blessings and curse, to feel everything so deeply

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It is both blessings and curse, to feel everything so deeply

Song  :


She was.. There at least for two month

All you need to do, is take one step forward your heart is growing stronger everyday

She missed those comforting advices she always received from her brother

The cruelty of this world.. Is terrible

She's scared that one day.. He's gone like a speck of dust that was dusted away in ease



She breath in, holding the air in her lungs for a few minutes before then releasing it relaxing her tense muscles

"Calm down.. One step at a time" she muttered while feeling her heart burning in filthy rage of fire

She lay lifeless in the bed, Why does the memory felt more alive then she was?
Was this really a goodbye? No certainly not

Her chest felt like it was choking on air, it felt right as buzzing of weird feeling was in her stomach, churning its making her feel weird

She then moved to the side, laying on her side while holding her stomach

She felt like dying at the moment, everything felt hurt the atmosphere felt depressing she wants nothing more then to see him fine and safe

The Rose she grew with her brother was slowly dying on its own


Techno felt the depressing atmospher, as he walked inside the house

Blood dripping down from his neck and hand down towards the wooden floor, with the sound of pluck in every drop

He frowned, before he started to walk towards the said room where she slept as the floor creak at his weight

Walking up the stairs, halting his footsteps while walking towards her room

Stopping just right in front of it, grabbing the handle of the door churning it while pushing it open softly, as it made a soft creak

His head peak, to see her clutching her stomach and the other one holding a handful of her hair while curling into a ball

His eyes scanned around the room, as he the pulled away from the same creak deciding to clean himself before going in


It has been a few minutes, before the blade walked inside the room startling the said girl that was laying onn the bed

"Techno?" She said,.. Well more like a question

"You seemed not ok, something wrong?" He asked, as she layed there and turned the other side of the bed "I am fine" she said with a defeated tone

She's not ok, and she doesn't want to be ok

She wants to cry, she wants to feel overwhelmed with comfort

But who?

But.. She wants to be ok, she wants to have friends with the kids and other children's.. She's different, she can get over emotional and then get angered over small things

The side of her bed then felt like it was slightly churning down with a creak, as she gaze over her shoulder to see him sitting there leaning against the head of the bed

Kids like her doesn't need to feel like this.. Especially this young

"You can always talk to me right?" He said while leaning more to the headboard while looking at the window

He doesn't mind about little rambles from a child

She turn towards him, while looking towards the abyss "I feel like my brother had died" she said while focusing her away from the sadness

He humed.. Denial he thought while writing that down mentally

"Well.. Not that we have a choice right? Life is full of sudden goodbye's" he said while looking at her

She look at him, that spark on her eyes he used to see some of the times when she did something she likes

She seemed hesitant, "Yeah I guess..?" She muttered didn't know to agree or not at his opinion

He smiled sadly, she noticed this "Have you lost someone too?" She asked while looking at him, he smiled and nodded sadly

She looks down and look up at him again

She humed while fiddling with her fingers and looking at the said window he was looking at

"It's hard isnt it?" He said while looking back at her again "Letting go" he said while leaning his head slightly

Y/n didn't answered that instead look away towards the window again
"Holding on to something not real" he muttered

"All because you can't handle the harsh truth" she responded while looking down at the sheets "To used on living in a world full of lies" pulling her legs together

She look back at him, who was watching her silently a bit speechless on what she said


"Do you want hot chocolate?"

He said, as she nodded her head

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