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               COLD BREEZE SETTING UP A Harsh pace all around the current land.
[ Name ] was looking at the window, which was a little bit frosty from the impending snow storm

She sat down on her bed, her eyes scanned around the room only to look at the book that was scattered away on the table
Her eyes looks at it, swirling pupils began to swirl in a speeden pace

Something she could never take a grasp on
She jumped off the bed
The pace of her feet steady itself as she walks over towards the table

Her hands reached towards the book, her hands light's up purple
' Where are you ? ' her thoughts spoke, as the books then opened itself, as her eyes faded from a beautiful Hazel to strong purple colour, the green swirls within her eyes started to grow its pace

Everything started to turn, and spin, her stomach started to churn within the familiarity of the feeling
The uncontrollable power, she can't ever say where she's going

Opening her eyes, to see her falling to an endless void
The purple bow that kept her hair up started to slip away
The fit she used to wore started to flare and fade into pure white feather

What was going on?

She opened her eyes again, the surrounding's of her was different, but yet really the same.

"W— what the hell?!" She cursed, a headache started to shriek her head, as she huffed and whined while holding her head

Memories rushing in like waterfall hitting the other surface of the water with a Harsh gravity

Her eyes lights up purple again, the quicken pace of her swirls started to form again
As she felt herself getting sucked away from where ever she's going.

Opening her eyes again, falling to an endless void
The fit that had faded away had been reattached on her body

Faded whispers and broken memories started to form within the void
Shrieking headache hitting her head with a Harsh hit

She screamed


Tears formed, her painfull cries started to sound even more horrific

She felt her arm getting tugged, pulling her from where ever she had landed
Her head hits a strong chest, her painfull cries started to sound louder

"H— hey, it's alright.. Shh" Familiarity within the soothing voice
[ Name ] started to lean to wherever she had ever landed


Her eyes opens, to see her yet to be in he same room
Her eyes glance up to see a pink haired male looking down to her
"T— Techno?" She calls out, as he just smiled softly

"I'm right here kid" He said while pulling her into a tight hug

What ever happened to her, might of trigerred something, and it wasn't good.

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

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