274 17 2

         ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ sʜɪɴɴɪɴɢ ʙʀɪɢʜᴛʟʏ, And right under the moonlight there stood [ Name ] standing under the light of the night.

The feeling of homesick started to wander away upon her own, her eyes shifting from once influence to a more different reality she had occurred.
' Mr. Techno.. ' Her eyes felt dull by how much the moon is shinning under the night sky.

Perhaps she wanted to the moon.. To be the light to someone's dark sky.
Perhaps that's what her brother had always been to her, after all she was the opposite of her brother's sunshine.

"Oi! Kid" a yell was heard, she gazed along her shoulders and saw the taller man behind her, his silhouette as mighty as the owner is—His Figure shinning the opposite of the light.

"Let's get back inside come on" [ Name ]'s eyes once again lit up, She smiled brightly upon the man that had taken her in a few months ago.
Perhaps it isn't as bad, as long as she has someone to lean too..

"Coming!" [ Name ] yelled, her feet stopping across the scrunchy snow as her thin legs running across to teach the said pinknette.. Yet right now she runs towards his embrace, yet what happens if her brother was here.

What happens if she was said to choose(?)


The answer would've been honest by now.

"God.. You gotta stop going outta the house in the middle of midnight" Techno grumbled, as [ Name ] held onto the coat tht the pinknete had dropped onto her shoulder with.
"But it's colder at night.. I like the cold" She spoke, Techno sighed.

"Just make sure you put on your coat and bring your sword with you.. It would be inconvenient if any event occurred onto your own safety"

"Gee, alright dad"

"Don't call me that, it makes me sound old"

[ Name ] pulled her tongue out to him, before running inside the cottage.

Well.. Atleast some things was changed.

Techno picked up the small shoes that [ Name ] had left at the front door, as she hangs it like he had once mentioned, which now she had turned onto a habit.

"Pa— I mean.. Mr. Techno" She whispered, her hand holding a stick she had collected on her trainings.
The edge of the stick poke onto Techno's cheek rapidly, while [ Name ] was holding back her own snort.

' Why does he look like that? ' [ Name ] thought looking at him, a small pout reaching onto her lips.
' I wanna be like him.. I wanna be a strong fighter! Haha! ' [ Name ] cheered silently, ofcourse everything she could've want was nothing more to protect the ones she loves.

A nostalgic feeling hits her suddenly, although she couldn't recall on what she felt nostalgic about.

"God.. Kid, don't make it a habit to wake me up so early" He groaned before getting up with a small sigh.


"Another crow came.."


' I wonder what's the content.. He's been rejecting those letters ' [ Name ] look at the man who was grumbling and sulking like a child, seemingly really upset by the fact that ' Someone ' doesn't know what no means.

He sighed before getting out of the bed 2hike stretching.

"Can you get ready kid? Were going somewhere"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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