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The sound of alarm slowly fading in, meaning that my time is close to an end

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The sound of alarm slowly fading in, meaning that my time is close to an end

Song : ?


Y/n lay asleep on her bed, her hair messy spreading everywhere on the pillow, as the blanket on top of her wrapped around her curling figure

She missed her brother.. And it's been at least a day

She opens her eyes, adjusting towards the light as she opened her eyes the blurry image coming in to a clear

She faced a brownish wall, which means she's facing a wooden wall

Well she knows that of course

She sat up from her bed, looking around while pulling the blanket off from her body

She let her feet touched the cold hardware floor, barely feeling anything with the socks on

She stood up, walking towards the door, pulling the handle down while pulling the door back as it made a small creak

She walked out of the room, pulling the door behind her towards it's front, as it closed shut

She heard guiter strumming, knowing full well he mustve heard or maybe not heard her opening the door because he still singing

She watch from the stairs to see him enjoying himself, his feet up on the table resting, straighten them

"Blood is the only way" He sang, while playing the said guitar

Continuing himself, as Y/n look at him admiring from afar, this is a really rare moment for her to see

"Still my withering heart.. Yearn for peace and mercy" he sang softly

Before then going back towards the chorus ending the song
"Leave then out for dead.." He sang as he strum the guitar a bit as it ended

"I see you up there kid" He said, looking up from his guitar towards the said child up on the stair staring at him

She then gave him a middle finger, as he raised a brow

"Come here for a sec" He said while patting the sit next to him

The girl then went down the stairs "Slow -" before then tripping on her own feet, falling towards the floor "-down" he muttered seeing her face plant the floor

He sigh standing up, putting the guitar to the side, as Y/n stood up from the floor blood dripping from her nose

Techno crouched right in front of her, wiping the bloody nose with his white sleeves, she sat there silently

After that he picked her up from the ground, walking towards the couch while putting her down next to where he was sitting before

"Do you play?" He asked, as the girl nodded her head

He gave her the large guitar, her arms suprsingly reach the wires

She then started to play a tune, it was really low on the tune
"Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end" she sung

"Sun digs it heels to taunt you" her voice was suprsingly calm and soft while singing it

She strum of the guitar softly as she sung her song with a little passion

It was yet her favorite song to listen to, the lullaby felt special towards her

Y/n noticed how there was two cups of tea, as the other one was filled full and untouched as the other one was dranked

"Breath, breath, breath" she mutter while struming the guitar on her hands

Her song hadn't yet come to an end, she sang through it
Her legs swinging towards and backwards in repeat

"Rises the moon" she sang softly at the starting of the chorus

"Breath, breath.. Breath" she sang the last 'breath' until the melody ended from the guitar

She stopped playing the guitar

Techno was impressed to say, he clapped his hands, as Y/n look at him
"Uh, Thanks?" She said sheepishly confused on what to say

He nodded his head, while looking at another wall of a room

Y/n took the mug, that was filled with tea and drank it
"Do you mind telling me.. Why do you always carry that book around?" He asked, looking at the book that is hang on the side of her hip

"Huh- oh, it's uh- a story book yeah!" She said, as she unhinged the hook, and grab the book from the side of her hip

"Although.. I lost some of the pages" she said while opening the book, Techno looked at it, to see a man awfully familiar like him

Wearing a mask, and a black suit with a neatly tied ponytail

It was a black and white drawing of a photo, as Y/n stared at the page of masquerade

She looks at the pink male head, and back at Sir billiam, she sweats

"This guy, looks like he likes government" he said while looking at the picture a little bit more

"I don't know about that" she said confused on how that is the first description about the said picture of Sir Billiam III

He looks away, "Do you want some food? What do kids eat?" He said, as Y/n look at him with a 'are you kidding me' face

"I don't know, what do grown ups eat?" She said while looking at him "anything to be honest" he said, as she rolled her eyes

"Anything bitch" she said, "watch your language young lady" he said while flicking her forehead as she wince while holding it

"Hey what the fuck?!" She yelled as Techno stood up from the couch walking towards the kitchen


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