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Song  :
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It was a typical day for little Y/n, she was helping the bubblegum haired male farming potatoes
While silently humming a soft tune

She crouched down seeing a bunny, who's fur is white as snow, and untouched

"Hello" she said, while reaching out a hand to it, it slowly approaches her while sniffing her hand
She chuckle and smiled, "Wonder where you came from' she said while picking it up to her hold

"I don't think Mr. Blade mind, if I brought you along for carrots" she said while bringing it with her, she loved animals especially bunny's, it always looks cute

The snow crunch beneath her feet, in every steps she took
The cold air never bothered her, as she hugged the bunny close to her chest

She walked up the stairs of the cottage, while opening her boots right beside the door while bending the handle of the door down and push it forward

Humble abode

She walked inside while holding the bunny on her arms, going upstairs towards her room to put it down on her bed

"There! I'll go down stairs and get carrots!" She said cheerfully while leaving her room slamming the door close

She then met with the bubblegum haired male, as she smiled "Hello, Mr. Techno" she said while then going through the fridge

"Hey Y/n" He greeted back, as he look at the little girl holding two carrots on both of her hand "What are those for?' He asked, as she smiled slightly

"Uh.. Bunny?" She said, as he raised a brow she then walked away as if nothing ever happens, ignoring his weird stares

She opened the door of her room while going inside and closing the door
She walked over toward the bunny and gave it the carrots as it ate happily

She humed contently at the little white bunny, as she pats its head softly

"You remind me alot" She muttered while opening the book that was attached on her left hip

She placed her hand on one of the chapters, as it then started to glow blue particles of light

Her eyes glowed white, as memories started to flow inside her brain like waterfall

Those.. Journey's

Was where she placed both of her feet on..
Those scars.. Showed all of the journeys she had went through

Getting stucked in one of those chapters, was terrifying but yet was.. A great experience

She breath steadily before pulled her hand away from the book, her body felt drained as if all the energy she had left was all sucked away

"Fuck" she breathed

She cussed alot for a 9 year old, ofcourse it was funny on how much her brother would smack her if she cussed

The door creak open, as the owner of this house open the door
She gazed over her shoulder, while smilling sheepishly "Heyyy" she said while standing up

"Is that an animal?' He said while crossing both of his arms
She waved both of her hand "Well— Yes? — No. Uh—" she then felt a Pat on her head, as she looks up at him who was smiling at her

She tilt her head in confusion, "Great, now you have a responsibility to take care of" he said with a smile while leaving the room


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