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Song  :_______

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Song  :

Beautiful tree's flown with the tree's, soft petals of flower fallen down and hugged the surface grass

The wind flow magnificently, all around the world, a light brown colour waved with the wind showing its adoration on following

Colliding with a bubble gum pink hair right beside it, the long hair was messy untouched and uncared

Hazel eyes.. Filled with unknown wonders about the world, wanting to see the hidden wonderland beauty, soft hues mixed of green, giving out curiosity, something that people had long gone

As those blue eyes is filled with fierce fire, happen to experience the cruelty of this world, holding the pain that anyone could even bare before breaking down

"Look" a soft but yet light voice said, while their hand pointed at the wilderness of the forest, pointing at a deer that was running around the field with a smaller one

Her eyes focused on the animal's, her eyes could see the shine of white line around their body, giving out a flowery mood

Her lips curled into a small smile, watching as they then run towards the wilderness of the forest, without a track to come back.

Animals didn't have purpose to live, but they had freedom, free from ever thinking of dying

Y/n glance up to the side, Her eyes landed into the male who is now not wearing his mask, his eyes fixated to the sun that was going back to sleep

They stood in the flower field, as Y/n then held his hand, the comfort of safety then burst into her body

Holding one of his finger, he then gripped her hand softly while looking back at the sun who had now disappeared from their naked eyes to see

"Come on, let's go back" His monotone voice grumbled, as he softly pulled her hand which she snapped towards her reality, looking towards him and smiled

They walked back, her boots scrunch against the grassy platform
"I want hot chocolate" she said while looking up at him "You'll get the hot chocolate when we're home" Techno said with a sigh

Y/n huffed quietly, feeling herself in drowsy of tiredness, "Iam tired, carry me" she said while putting her arms up towards him
"You are very controlling for a child" He said deadpanned

"Want me to pass out?" She said with an irked eyebrow, he sigh, while picking her up from the ground

Walking away, back to where they were.. Home

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