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[ Name ] was busy, the warmth within the palm of her hand radiats off from the hardened glass filled with hot chocolate.

' Huft.. did this white hair appear after that suffocating day? ' its been a few days after the book had shrunk her and sucked her inside of the thin layered pages.

"[ N/n ]!" The voice of a darkened and lowered monotoned voice called out, as the door at the front cracked open with a few ice's slipping inside and the cold breeze hitting and flying inside the house with no manner.

Techno at the front, unstrapped the boots he was wearing.
Ice frost that was sticking on the stoned hardened armour cracked and fallen towards the wooden floor.

Its been really cold outside, And the only thing they can guess is that outside of this biome there has been a raining season going on, causing the snow icy biome to lower in temperature.

Its about -13° degree, well.. luckily they were used to the cold, it doesn't bother them as much if the wooden fire still lights up.

"Mr. Techno" she greeted, as the man just sighed tiredly, pulling on his tied ponytail his hair fallen down and reached the floor with a gentle fall.

"Call me Techno kid, for the last time" He says while putting his armours back in place inside a chest.

He pulled something out beneath the crimson coloured cape he wore, the thick layered made out of animal skin's keeping him warm from the freezing cold outside.

"I made you a new sword" He said, showing her the sheated sword he had hidden inside his cape.
"And possibly to big for your head" He said, pulling out a small crown, not so different from his but in a miniature size.

[ Name ]'s eyes immediately sparkled, looking at the glimmering gold that was made on the quality of the crown.

"Your goggles are really trash, so I thought a crown I made would make up that stupid of an excuse goggles" He said while putting the crown and sheated sword on top of the table Infront of her.

"Ey! My brother made this goggles" She said while pulling off the rubber goggles that is securely sticking onto her head.

"Your brother has shit hands" He cussed, as the girl scowl even more by the ways he was criticizing her brother.

He although smiled proudly, "Well, at least i make more high quality accessories" He said, he grabbed the crown and place it on top of her head

"See.. even without knowing your head size it fits" He said, complimenting his own creation with a smug look.

' This guy's ego is higher then the sun itself ' As she sighed, while pulling herself off from the wooden chair.

She left the goggles at the top of the table.
Techno look at the poorly and unqualified made goggles with a pitiful look "Gosh who ever her brother is, he is definitely trying to suffocate her head with those tight goggles"

Then a pitch scream erupted upstair, Techno's ear's perked up towards the scream before running upstairs.

"Kid!" He yell while punching the door open, seeing the female panicking while cornering herself between the wardrobe and the wall

"What happened?" He ask, his eyes landed on the broken window, crashing down with a few sharp pieces on the floor.

A dead raven sprawled out, with some frozen feather's as a paper curled and tied up onto the leg was slightly loosen by all the pressure.

' Fewh, good thing nothing to ' Bad ' happened ' he thought while walking towards the raven.

He crouched down while untying the said paper from it's leg.
He opened the curled paper to see the content's of writings inside of it.

"Its a massage.. you can move into my room" He said while looking at the female, the girl just stood there with shaking leg's while looking into another direction.

"Sorry.. the sudden breeze hit me suddenly and I think the pieces of those glass scraped my legs" She said while showing a few scratches on her legs that had been scraped by the sharp piece's.

"I'll take find the medkit, go into my room" He said while picking up the crow as running footsteps was heard by the cracking of the wood.

"God.. Tommy what do want from me"


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