Chapter 7

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Shuyi woke up in the morning and prepared himself mentally to not be affected by Akira's presence. He had worked hard to get where he was, and he didn't want to miss any part of the university experience because of Akira.

He left before Shide again and met Zack who was waiting for him at the entry gate.

Do you feel better now?

Yes, a-lot better. Guess I just needed a good sleep.

I'm glad.

It didn't take long for Shuyi to notice that everyone was looking at him strangely, some were laughing behind their hands, and some were whispering while looking at him.

It didn't take long for Shuyi to notice that everyone was looking at him strangely, some were laughing behind their hands, and some were whispering while looking at him

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He didn't know what was going on until a guy came up to Shuyi and gave him a folded paper note and went away. The note said,

"077-929-4619 is my number. I'm available tonight and I can pay well. Call me."

Shuyi's hands started to shake and his mouth felt dry. Zack took the slip from his hand and tore it into pieces.

What the fuck? What is this suppose to mean?

Zack started looking around and saw posters all around the department with a shirtless Shuyi on them.

Oh god Shuyi what is this?

Shuyi looked at the poster and knew at once what was happening. Akira had clicked that picture of him back when they were dating. The poster mentioned Shuyi's full name and department and said he was looking for paid hookups and one night stands, girls or boys no limitations.

Although, many people who talked to Shuyi knew it was some kind of prank, but in one day, he became a laughing stock for the whole campus. Shide saw the poster when somebody posted it on social media. He couldn't understand how the culprit got Shuyi's naked picture but he felt uncontrollably furious.

This guy must be a slut, otherwise how could somebody have such an obscene picture of him?

I think so too, do you think maybe he's made these posters himself to gain public attention. What a drama queen haha.

 What a drama queen haha

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