Chapter 11

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Shuyi's POV

We both got ready to leave for the camping site. We had to stop by at Zack's first to pick him and Yuxin up. It is not common for the freshers to drive themselves privately since the others would be travelling in university's transport, but because Shide and I are "in a relationship" we thought going together would be enough to convince Akira. While I was in my thoughts, Shide had carried my travel bag to the car and was standing silently at the door waiting for me.

You took my bag?

Yes, it's in the car. You ready to leave?

uhmm..I started walking towards the parking with a regular sized bag on my back which had snacks for the journey. Shide was walking behind me and suddenly grabbed my bagpack and got it off me.

Heyy, I could carry that!

It looked heavy..He said with his adorable puppy eyes looking at me. The fact that he never behaves like this around anyone else except me makes my heart so happy but for obvious reasons, I couldn't show him that. Instead, I pinched his cheek looking right into his eyes which made him gulp and freeze for a moment.

Don't take your role so seriously when we're not around people okay, I don't wanna be spoiled and habitual of being pampered by you

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Don't take your role so seriously when we're not around people okay, I don't wanna be spoiled and habitual of being pampered by you.

Why not? Shide said slowly getting closer to my face.

His seductive hoarse voice and the feeling of his breath on my cheek sent a chill down my spine. In that moment, for a second, I really wanted more of him. I shook my head and looked at my watch to avoid looking into Shide's enticing eyes so close to mine.

We....better go now...Zack must be waiting. I said slowly still avoiding his direct gaze. I was deeply embarrassed at myself for being so attracted to a person who probably is not even into men.

Yes sir, your wish is my command.

I quietly followed him to the car.

Zack and Yuxin were already waiting for us when we reached their building.

"Hey, get in!" I got out of the car window and gestured Zack.

"I'm so excited about this. I've never been to a camping trip in my life. Have you Shuyi?"

"Yes, both my brother and I compelled our parents to send us on summer camps every year."

The 3 hour long drive didn't feel tiring at all since I was having fun after a long time. Zack is a great company, he makes jokes all the time and keeps the mood light, Yuxin is the sweetest, she is basically the mother of the group always making sure all of us have eaten. And Shide, in a short time, he has become an integral part of my life. Just listening to his voice is meditating to my ears, seeing him smile fills my heart with joy. I don't know what I feel for him is just gratitude or really more than that.

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