Chapter 12

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Shuyi's POV

I looked at Shide who was standing in a distant corner helping the freshers with their tents. It felt like he could hear my heart when he suddenly looked at me and started walking in my direction. "Even without words, he knew when I was looking for him, Shuyi, you watch too many dramas. It's just a coincidence" I screamed internally.

He came closer and handed me a bottle of water.

"Drink this, you look a little out of it. You need help with something?"

I genuinely was thirsty so after drinking a sip I looked at him curiously "why didn't they allot me a tent like everyone else"

Shide smiled looking down like he felt a little shy " ah....I asked them not to because you will be sleeping in my tent"

"Then where will you sleep?" I understood what he was trying to say after I had blurted out a stupid response.

Shide quietly observed my nervousness for a moment before speaking "If you don't feel comfortable with it, I can ask them to find you another partner"

" was caught of guard at first...but I don't think I'll be comfortable with anyone" I said without looking at him directly.

Shide just smiled and pat my head gently. I can't explain why but I love it when he treats me like this. His scent and warmth makes me feel at home even when we are in the middle of a forest.

He walked me to our tent and we started setting it up.

"There doesn't seem to have a-lot of space for both of us"

Shide looked a me with a raised eyebrow " you said you have been camping before, all tents are of the similar size to this"

I got a little embarrassed since he was right "I also said I was a kid back then, kids can fit anywhere. Let's sleep in opposite directions so that our faces are not close to each other's. I don't want you to get any dirty ideas" I said jokingly.

Shide stepped a little closer to me and hit my head cutely with a finger.

Shide stepped a little closer to me and hit my head cutely with a finger

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"Little kid, dirty mind"

We both laughed a little and got back to setting our tent.

After everyone was finished building their tents, we all helped in barbecuing meat, cheese and veggies. To be completely honest, I had never eaten a tastier bbq before, maybe because we were all very hungry after a tiring day, the food tasted more delicious than usual, but we all ate till we were extremely full.

The only unsettling thing about the whole day was Akira's continuous stare on Shide and me. Zack also overheard him convincing a few other guys about Shide helping me improve my reputation by pretending to be my boyfriend. I could again feel judgemental eyes on me every where I went. However, what hurt me more than my ruined image was Shide being stuck in all this mess because of me.

Soon the day ended and was followed by a beautiful evening. I loved the feeling of a cool breeze blowing through my hair.

"Shuyi..we are going to play truth and dare near the bonfire, come quickly" a senior quickly told me and went away to inform others.

I looked at Shide who was already looking at me. "You don't have to play if you don't feel up to it"

"People don't already like me a lot, I don't want to be the fun wrecker now. Let's go"

I walked ahead and Shide followed me. Zack and Yuxin were already sitting close to the bonfire and had reserved a place for both of us.

One of the seniors had prepared a bowl full of questions to pick from if someone chose truth, and another bowl filled with dares to perform. Everyone was already sitting in a circle so someone twisted the bottle and the game began.

Initially, I was just waiting for the day to end, but slowly I started having fun. Someone was made to act out a movie scene, one had to tell how many people he had slept with, It was hilarious when Zack had to perform a strip dance as a dare, I recorded all of it to tease him later. Zack was trying to snatch my phone when Yuxin intensely shook my shoulder.

"Shuyiiii!!'s on you!"

It was all fun and games until it stopped on me. I definitely couldn't choose truth since I was never comfortable with sharing personal stuff.


Everyone started cheering. A guy gave me a bowl filled with little folded pieces of paper. A nervously chose one of them. "Cmmon Shuyi, how bad can it be..let's get it over with" I convinced myself. I was preparing myself to do whatever was written until I opened and read it. For a moment my heart felt like it was going to explode, and I stood there frozen among people waiting me to do my task.

"Shuyi...what is it"
"Tell us what it says"
"What's written in it Shuyi?"

I could hear people around me. When I didn't move another minute, one of the guys took the note from my hand and read it aloud.

Give a  french kiss to the person sitting on your right.

"Waohhh! There's Shide on your right!"

Shide looked at me and his ears got all red.

"Well this should be easy considering you are you say" Akira said cunningly.

I knew if I don't do it, Akira would surely find out we're lying and continue to torture me, however I couldn't forcefully kiss Shide. After all, he surely wouldn't like being kissed by a guy, also neither did I had the courage to do it. I kept standing like a statue while others kept commenting.

"What's so hard about kissing your boyfriend"
"Are you guys really dating?"
"I think he lied about being Shide's boyfriend to gain popularity"

I felt deeply embarrassed and was about to walk away when Shide firmly grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"My boy is a little shy, so I'll have to make the first move" He looked directly into my eyes while saying this. My heart skipped a beat when he kept coming closer and closer to my face until our lips met. His touch was soft and tender and yet so passionate. He licked my bottom lip with his tongue making me moan in his mouth. His tongue found it's way into my mouth and licked every part of it. It didn't feel like a forced kiss at all. Slowly I gave into it and our tongues started dancing together, sucking and licking each other. My hands were moving through his soft hair, while he was exploring my waist. I was lost in the taste of his lips when he pulled his head back. We both glanced at each other for a short moment, before sitting back on our seats.

Everyone started shouting and screaming loudly.
"Oh god, that was hot!"
"I wanna be kissed like that too!!"
"They are so in love!"

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