Chapter 1 (ED)

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I walked down the dark corridor, scared even of my shadow, i could hear the shouts of tortured girl, I was so sorry for her but i'm more scared for myself. We have just one week and then i have no idea what will happen after the party.....i think that's a party because of preparations and dresses that we got from guards.Probably vampires choose them but we never saw one...they were like a myth, we didn't talk a lot of them and even less about royal family but one thing i knew for sure that i hate the vampire king 'everything is his fault', cause off him i did not meet my mother and siblings if i have any

I walked through the door to my room. The walls were black and the carpet grey, that even makes me hate this place even more. I don't know what time it is cause we never had a clock or  the window so i decide to take a nap. I lay down on my uncomfortable bed which make me think about a 'Reflexionem Vitrum' (**Reflection of glass**). I didn't know much about it but people who have seen it were saying that it looks amazing.

 It was some sort of a fountain in the middle of the square where vampires have put the hands in the water and the fountain make their innermost dream became true but if you were not enough strong to handle magic off it your dream started to transform into your worst nightmare and because of that they call it 'Reflexion Vitrum'. 

I heard terrible story about King's sister which on one beautiful night sneaked out of the palace and went into the middle of the square to make her wish true. I do not know what she has wished for but the wish became her worst punishment, she couldn't stand it and committed.....suicide. After that king forbidden everyone to even come near the fountain, punishment was deaf. 

King became cruel and insensitive, everyone was afraid of him cause he had no mercy. He was known as a person who likes to play and a person who always win. My eyelids became increasingly heavier and all my thoughts began to disappear.


"Monique faster. You have to run faster!" i heard the voice of a woman who i didn't know. It was ringing in my head louder and louder with every step that i took. I was all sweaty and i missed air in my lungs, my breath became faster and faster as i ran in the middle of the square. I saw was beautiful and full of hope.

 I touched the water of the fountain as i was told too. "beautiful face,long hair,green eyes, goddess of sky reverse gear of time and let me be happy wit-" i didn't have time to finish when guards pulled me from the back "take her back to academia " at first he didn't talk to me or even look at me but then his face became red and his eyes meet mine. "Vampires will kill me because of you and you're waiting for a much worse fate....i even feel sorry for you" they started pull me but i resisted as much as i could, kicking everywhere. "PLEASE,PLEASE,PLE-"

"Wake up, Wake up!" when i opened my eyes i saw Nicole pulling me to left and right. As fast as i could i pulled myself up and put my head on Nicole chest, her hands grabbed me and pulled me  even harder into her. I touched my face and then i became to understand that i was...i am crying like a baby but i have not idea why.

"It was just a dream....calm yourself down before someone comes here to check on us!" she pulled me away so her eyes could meet mine, her delicate hands began to wipe my tears.

 "I know it just that was so real i-i was really there!" i said with my breaking voice. I was shaking but didn't know why. It was only just a dream, then the bell has rang and i thought it couldn't get any worse. We stood up in the same time and spread to our closets, if the bell had rang that meant something bad had happeand and all of us have to show up in the central hall in are grey dresses (uniform). 

I took Nikki's hand into mine and walk through the desolate hallway. Even if there was an emergency situation like this one and we had permission to walk out...... everyone was just to scared of what will happen to them if they do something wrong, they started walk out just because they hadn't have a choice in this just like us. We sat down in third row of chairs with some other girls.

 We were not allowed to sit next to the boys......we even were not allowed to have a boyfriend. It was irritating cause since i had 8 years my object of sighs was Alan. He was more cute then sexy but i was totally all over him. My eyes could not stop following him as he walked in. "You could at least try to hide your love for him" she chuckled as i punched her in the arm. 

"QUIET!!!"  loud voice shouted from the front and everyone got silent, when i turned my head to the front i saw 3 of them. I do not know if they are guards or vampires but they look really dangerous and sexy. "As you all know in 1 week you will turn 18"  one of them started to speak his voice was hypnotizing. 

"And then supposed to be party but we considered to accelerate it so you have to be ready for tomorrows night" another one finished and everyone became to whisper between themselves. "Quiet, if you hear the bell tomorrow afternoon you will go straight away to your rooms and put dresses on. When the party begins you are not allowed to speak and if you will be chosen one you go out without screaming and crying is that understood?" the third one finished but no one said anything  "IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?" now he was shouting and we were even more terrified."Yes sir" the crowd  finally responded like their life depended on it, oh wait it actually did depend from it.

"Yeah but maybe he could give more details, fucking bastard!! It's not his life that goes on the line!" i said frustrated to my friend and before i could know it, he was right before me. SHIT, SHIT i'm so dead right now. He was a vampire and probably heard every single world that left my mouth.

My eyes were full of fear and i thought that i will start to cry but something hold me back. Maybe it was not at all about it. "I asked you a question!?" ooo and i did not hear him, i screwed this up. "What was the question!" i said that really loudly, louder than i wanted too.

 "You did not answer the question and in addition you're sassy" he was really frustrated with me, i did not want to  end dead so i should apologize. "I didn't meant to!!" i said that with weird expression on my face.  What was he exactly on about? cause i do not get a thing. 

"I'm one of 3 leaders of this school and i will not be disrespected by some stupid girl. You will have to work for my forgiveness and now stand up !!!!" he said 'disrespect' louder then the sentence probably i pushed him to the limit even if i did not know about it. I slowly got up and walked with him through the part of academy that i never saw before. We were walking in completely silence till we get to big doors which he opened and walked inside.

 What a gentleman he could at least hold doors for me but no i have to open it for myself.  When i walked in i couldn't believe my eyes.....


I know guys that this chapter isn't the best and not many people reading it but this who read VOTE & COMMENT it means a lot to me.

{E D I T E D} = 2016-06-12

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