Chapter 15

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2 Years Later

Whenever im passing down this corridor i cant stop myself from looking out of the window, admiring this yard became my hobby since the day i showed up here. What attracts my attention the most is the beautiful lake on the very far end of the yard. I love how in the morning the sun rises and some rays dance on the surface of the water as there was nothing better for them to do. The view is even more breath taking at night when you can see reflection of the moon settling on the water as it was its soulmate.

leaning on this wall and staring at the view made me realise how much things had changed and how much i had learned. Most of today's world is ruled by vampires, the governments and parliaments were overpowered and members most likely killed and no one could do anything as most of people were killed or slaved and sold as pets to vampires but not everyone was human...or at least 3/4 of worlds population weren't including myself, that's apparently what makes me so special. I'm half witch and i'm pretty good at what i do which is hunt people and kill them if that's what i get ordered, i don't ask why or demand explanations as i'm not allowed and to be honest i'm not really interested. 

"ma'am, ma'am Monique" my trail of thoughts got stopped all together when i saw my maid Amy walking my way with a big box in her hands. Long time ago i tried to get her to call me just by my name but Pedro had forbidden it and there wasn't anything i could do about it. Pedro is an elite vampire living here and i'm pretty sure this property belongs to him. He used to teach me things and sometimes train me too if there wasn't anyone else available but as i finished my training a month ago there wasn't any need for him to talk to me anymore, now i'm just working and no, they don't pay me for it. 

I pushed myself off the wall standing straight just as she came closer to me with smile on her face just like she always did. "What do you have there Amy?" i asked politely and smiled at her too. Before she could answer i started to talk again. "Is it something from the palace for me?" i asked hopefully like every time something came but i didn't expect an answer i would like.

"No ma'am, its just the red dress you ordered yesterday" she sounded upset and looked quickly on the ground not wanting to upset me but everything was ok, patient is gold. I smiled once more with the fake smile that never left my face and jut told her to put it on my bed and ill see it later on. Before she left she said that i look really beautiful today which i gratefully said thank you for.

I'm wearing simple summer dress which goes from light blue to rally dark one at the bottom. The dress ends a bit after my knees and i matched it with light blue heels which are just the right colour of sky for once. My dark blonde hair is let down and curled so it reaches a bit above my waist. Im not wearing much of make up when there's not any events happening so i only have mascara and liner on. Its middle of the summer now so there's no way on putting anything too warm as temperature usually reaches 40°c or above which makes it hell. 

I started to make my way to my room which happened to be just on the same floor as i was now followed by my guards that always followed me anywhere i went just to make sure no harm comes my way. At first i though it was some kind of a joke to get attacked in the middle of no where but after knowing that the woods are full of werewolves and shapeshifters capable of anything i wasn't so sure anymore...not that i couldn't kill one cause i could. 

Doors to my room were very simple, white with nothing on them but i wasn't a fan of decorations so i didn't mind. Walking inside my room always made me happy as this was the closest thing i had to home. Inside of it held all the most important memories of mine with some small personal things which i didn't want to share with anyone. The room was simple but very cosy and welcoming with big bed on the right top corner and big closet on its left with the mirror on the middle of it. Opposite the bed was another big mirror witch chair were usually maids got me ready for some important occasions. 

I looked at the box on my bed and wondered if the dress will be as good as it supposed to be. At the ending of my training i could wish for 3 things but so far i only wanted one and it was this dress, i hope i wont get disappointed as i plan it to be the dress ill have my big come back in. Before i had the chance to even get near the box i heard knocking on the doors and before i could think about it i grabbed knife from small table besides my bed and waited.

"Ma'am open the doors please" i could hear Amy knocking again before i opened the doors after putting the knife down. I opened the doors really annoyed as she never bothers me with anything before morning routine and then i'm usually free to do what i have to all day. "What is so important it couldn't wait till tomorrow?" i huffed really annoyed juts wishing for her to disappear. "Better be good" u muttered more to myself then to her.

She didn't mind though, she looked so happy i though she will fly away in a second. "Ma'am i just noticed letter lying on the floor, i must have missed it before. Master Pedro told me to hand it to you as soon as possible" Pedro never personally bothered to do anything for anyone unless it was in hes best interests. He was a man with no many things to say and many things hiding but that's understandable.

"Where is it from? and What does it say?" i never read letters personally, there's always someone to read them to me so i assume that Amy already knows whats happening so i let her in and closed the doors behind her.

"Its an invitation ma'am for a you to attend a party in the palace which is organised tomorrow night in the main city which is Libatis. It says you have to attend" she explained but i didn't hear half of the things as i was to lost in my own thoughts as this was the chance i was waiting for.

"As if i wouldn't..." i joked and we both laughed before she walked away leaving the letter on the small tabled besides my bed. I sat on my bed and lye down laughing. I guess the show goes on. 

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