Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes hoping to see that i'm in heaven but instead i saw devouring darkness, i could here some girl shouting but i couldn't exactly hear what she was saying. I tried to put my head up to see better my surrounding but it was worthless like my head was made of stone. I saw the sword going down in slow motion and hitting the floor with loud thumb. I lifted my eyes a bit up to see everyone putting there heads down.....mhm that's probably someone important like Monarch but why the hell someone was bored to even try to save me.

I think that the person stopped running because i hear like the heels are touching the floor and in the same time making a bit of a noise which hurt my head even more. I saw 4 guards coming in first and after them she. I could hear her grumble to her self something about her shoes, so i look down and saw her beautiful and probably expensive shoes which now are dirty from mud.

The man that wanted to execute me came a bit forward and before he started to speak bowed to her and then put his head up and looked at her. He took are long breath and i thought he wont start to speak but he did after she told him to. " With all due respect, Princess Ivet but you should not be here." He chose his words very carefully and hesitated to say them as if they could offend the Monarch.

There was a silence for a moment before the blond girl which is called Ivet took a step forward and was now face to face with the man. I look up and saw the girl which was protecting me in front of her family, she was the girl that was nice to me and as it turns out she is the Princess. What an irony of fate. The man looked at the ground to avoid her stair but she grabbed his chin and pulled it up with so much force that i thought his neck is going to snap. I thought that Ivet will shout at him but instead she started to lough, her lough was so nice and comfortable in this place that i wanted it to never stop.

"I never thought that an ordinary vampire will tell me where i can and where i can not be" her voice was so nice and sweet that it nearly hypnotized me. She was calm and in self control but i could swear that i saw a hint of irritation going through her eyes. The man in front of her didn't say anything expect of mutter some apologize.

Ivet took a grec full step aside and showed him to move along as well, her beautiful eyes landed on me and in that moment my heart skipped one beat. She looked shocked or maybe a bit sorry for me but did't say anything and just turned around to face one of her guards. "Pick her up very gently and take her to the best doctor in the kingdom. If something happens to her---" she stopped her sentence to think about if it will be wisely to say that. "YOU will pay for it and now obey me" she finished the sentence with bright smile on her face.

The guard was coming really fast into my way but i gave up on kneeling long time ago, now im just sitting on this cold floor but one thing stays mistery to me, how the hell do they not tripped or walki into something?! its really dark here and it took me a few minutes to figure something out for example how many people are here. The guard squatted next to me so he could put two of my hands around his neck so he could take me bride style to whenever we were going but as soon as his hand touched my waist i hissed in pain. Everything started to hurt again and i could feel tears going down my face. Before i knew it i was in his hands but we weren't walking and i didn't know why.

"Princess Ivet, the king wants her head and i don't think its a good idea to take her away" the man that wanted to execute me said with unsure voice, maybe i didn't see his face but I'll never forget that voice. Suddenly i was ripped out of my thought when the guard start to move and i along with him. We walked out of the prison into many dark corridors that i didn't see before. We walked for so long but it seems like we were in the same place all over again, it was like a fucking zig-zag maze.

I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach and i cried even harder then before, the guard didn't say anything and kept walking. I was so tired and sick of feeling unwell that i did the only thing i could do to stop that. I closed my eyes and in the minut i did that everything went black and reality went into background. ^_^, ^_^, ^_^, ^_^ ,^_^, ^_^ ,^_^ ^_^

I herd many voices in my head like they were trying to tell me something but it wasn't something you could understand. I turned around but i didn't feel the pain anymore actually i didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and began to understand that i was never asleep. I could see many people standing or walking through things like there wasn't anything, they didn't pay attention to anything and just carried on with whatever they were doing. Everyone was wearing a white long dress and they all looked like from psychiatric hospital, they all looked sick. I stood up and tried to walk away but i only walked into white space and started to see shadows. I panicked and started run but it was always the same Am i dead? but even if i am this is not heaven, so where the hell am i?..... *******************************************************************************************


Soooo guys first thing that i wanted to do is to thank you for soo nice comments on last chapter and many votes that i got because of them im about to update sooner. Also i hope that u like this chapter and vote for it. I will also update one more chapter in this 2 weeks and then ill start to edit all the chapters before this one caus i realized that they have serious grammar and spelling mistakes.

So please


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