chapter 4 (ED)

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They were standing on the other side of the room, talking so quietly that no one could possibly hear them. I think they had some sort of argument between themselves cause of the way they moved. I was nerves, my hands were sweaty and my legs were shaking but i didn't know if its because i didn't wanted to be the chosen one or i didn't want to stay here?....what if my life would be so much better over there?. 

My thoughts were stopped in the second that they came near us, i looked over to see what they were doing and i was shocked.....they started to they had already picked and now they were just taking 'what is right fully there's'

They have taken 4 girls already and they were taking just girls, i was the one from 4 girls that had left and knowing my luck i wont be the chosen one. They had taken Ella and then they said my name, i was standing there like a column and looked at them in confusion. 

"We don't have all day! So move!" the girl with black hair said. She was really amounted to and arrogant. I picked up a little bit of my dress and started to take few small steps till i reached the other girls, i had stood next to Ella because she is the only girl that i like a little bit.

They were talking to the guy that had stood on the middle, they were talking and shaking their hands, they looked in our direction and started to move forward......that's it, we are so dead, i though.

They walked before us and started to walk out, the first thing that i saw was cars......and many people. There were about 45 black cars and even more men but none of them even looked at us they all had their heads down....and i though that the academy was wired. Then the reality hit me, i was outside admiring the world and it was amazing feeling.

Around us were trees, ground, birds and a sun. For first time in my life i saw real world, i felt like i was beyond the ground some were in the sky, free and happy but the reality is that i am a slave like the rest of us. The girls were amused like me they couldn't stop  turning of them even touched the ground with her bear hands and started to laugh. They looked at us with shocked all over their faces. When i looked at the front there were 4 different cars that the rest, they looked fast and really hot....i wish i could have one of them.

"Take them!" i hate being who i am, they never ask if we want to do something they just make us to do it...we never have saying in any thing that concern our life's. But today, right now i swear to myself that one day I'll be free. I'll do whatever i wish to do and with whoever i want to do it. Every single person that made my life miserable will pay for it with a surplus, they will knelt before me and they will beg for forgiveness and mercy but i will not have one.

I looked at them when they were sitting in their cars but i stop as soon as someone pulled me by my hand. I looked will not believe but it was the one of guys in black cars, he hold my hand but his head was down and he didn't even look at me ones. I sat in the back of one black car alone because they separated us...what if they are taking us to different places? will i stay alone?.

My thoughts rushed away as soon as i heard the sound of engine and closing doors, he locked me in the car. What if he tries to rape me?! because that is very likely to happen. OMG i will die alone in the car with strange guy that had raped me few minutes before my death just great and i thought that anything worse then being here wont happened....and you know what they say 'Not praise the day before sunset'. 

My eyes were looking through the windows as he had driven, we were behind the red car which i suppose that belongs to one of them. I tried to move but that dress was annoying and uncomfortable.

"Would you mind if i take my shoes off?" He looked back weirdly at me and shakes his head in the 'no' direction so without hesitation i took my shoes off....what? they were uncomfortable and i hate uncomfortable things. "Could you borrow me your t-shirt because you know that dress is really tight and long so i could take it off--"

"Stop talking, humans are to loudly for mine liking!" my smile dropped and my face turned pink, he had something against humans? it was like a racism, he is black and i don't have anything against him. Dick. But the most annoying thing was that when he speaks he never looks straight into my eyes.

"AND put your t-shirt on, you are bigger then me so it will cover important parts of my body and look me in the eyes when you talk. I'm not invisible you know?!" i just ignored him and carried on with my question. He didn't answer, he was just carrying on driving and looking at the road. After 5 minutes i had enough of silence and if we will carry on like this then i will probably die of boredom so i just thought that i will have a little chat with him.

"Do you live in a nice place?" i asked him but he treated me like an air. "Ok i take this as a yes" he put his eyebrows up and looked confused. "Do you have a girlfriend?" again silence. "Ok so its a no then probably because you a boor and non of them wanted you, isn't that right?" he had gotten red that is a massive improve, i had played from years in this game with  Nicole and she always wined, she had a massive vocabulary. His mouth didn't even move....that will be interesting ride.

After 2 hours of riding and talking to him or more likely to my self, i had enough. My throat was burning and even i wanted to shut up but i wont give him this satisfaction.....he want win, i cant let that to happen."JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!. One more world and you will be dead. I don't care if they gone to kill me or not but i cant stand any more your voice!"

I could see how the steering wheel gone from the circle shape to deferment one. I really pissed him and guess what i won. " Someone got an anger issues. Just chill out and i will be quiet!" If the glare could kill i would be on fire. I needed something to eat but im more desperate  for drink and before me the was cup of coffee, his coffee but who carers, not me of course. He was focus on driving so i just put my hand before me and took it. The hot liquid got through my throat and down to my stomach. I was taking sip by sip of it and he didn't notice it. The car suddenly stooped and i flew to the front from the shocked i dropped the cup of hot coffee on my dress.

"SHIT!" i couldn't stop screaming at first it was hot but then it just seemed wet. He looked at me with pissed of eyes and angry face.After 5 minutes i was so cold, the dress was to wet and to dirty to wear  so i actually spend 5 minutes begging him for his t-shirt which on the end he gave it to me.

I started to take my dress off and he even didn't look and i was actually really nice and sexy so i couldn't see the problem. I dropped the dress on the floor of the car and i was just going to put his t-shirt on but the car has stopped and the door from it swung open.......i guess we hear and I'm nearly naked just grate...


Guys i know that i wasn't updating for long time and I'm sorry but to be honest i didn't had time. But to reword it i will from the next Friday update every weekend and maybe even twice. Because we got holidays and I'm not going anywhere :( I've got plenty of time.





{E D I T E D} = 2016-06-25

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