Chapter 17

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I took my hand out and placed in Pedro's who was waiting impatiently for me to do so in a while now. After he told me who's party we're attending, i froze and so did everything around me like the time had stopped moving, and now its moving too fast as we walk to the Mercedes that was waiting for us. Pedro walked around to take a seat in the back of the car and i followed his suit and in no time we were out of the mansion.

"How long till we get there?" i asked hesitantly, interrupting the awkward silence. 

"Its 2 hours drive" was his simply reply while he texted someone. 

After that we drove in silence as non of us tried to make any conversation between each other, which i was grateful for as i had some time to think, but that wasn't a good idea as i got overwhelm with my own thoughts once again. What happened that night? Will he even remember me? of course he wont, he's the king with better things to do. I answered my own question which made me thrown in annoyance. 

Pedro didn't seem to notice as he was busy with doing something on his phone which i didn't really understand. I looked outside the window just to see that we were surrounded by woods, it didn't look like they will be ending anytime soon. I put my head against the window trying not to ruin my hair and relax a bit.


We drove for a while now and it started to get dark which caused the driver to speed up to the point i felt sick and grabbed my seat belt in some kind of comfort, i regret not signing that hospital insurance when i had the chance. We entered some part of an old town with really old and bumpy road which made everything 10x worse as my breakfast was making its way up.

"I'm going to throw up" i muttered to myself not letting go of the seat belt and pushed my body more into the seat looking for some comfort.

"Did you say anything?" Yes!.

"No" i tried to give him my best smile which he didn't return.

"Good cause we are nearly there" he looked out the window and i did the same noticing a big city full of life. There were lots of people outside wearing fancy costumes and masks, laughing and dancing in the rhythm of the music with open restaurants and fireworks going off in the background. Its like the whole city celebrated. The city was mainly build with skyscrapers and villas with some exclusive malls that only the richest could afford, the view was fascinating.

Before i could look around in more details we drove up to a gate i knew perfectly well, nothing really changed. As the gate started to open the guards moved out of the way and looked straight at us as we passed through, the gardens were lighten up with lamps and flashing lights which looked amazing. In front of the long marble steps before the yard there were lots of most expensive cars, parked nicely shining through the dark night and ours was no exception.

The car stopped before the white marble steps and i let out a breath i didn't realise i was holding. I took the seat belt off and opened the doors with the courage i didn't have, walking out of the car as calmly as possible but it only seemed to make everything worse as i nearly trapped my dress underneath my heel as i tried to stand up which would ruin it, but Pedro saved the situation by picking the dress up in time and helping me to catch back the balance.

I blushed at how clumsy i was which always was a problem for me as i did worse then i should in all the training we went through and lowered my chances at finishing it. Pedro turned around and walked up the big marble steps, i grabbed one side of the dress lifting it up and  followed him to the massive doors that servants opened as we got close.

We walked through a hall were lots of people were either going or coming with massive presents in their hands trying to fit them somewhere and not ruin them, its just a one big mess. As we got closer to the ballroom the loud music reached my ears and another big set of doors was push apart revealing massive room with hundreds of people in it. Some glanced our way and others didn't pay us the slightest attention whatsoever. 

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