Just Beginning•

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[Mike's pov] its around 12 am, im supposed to be asleep by now but im still awake just thinking, i think a lot at night and honestly asking Noah to date me was definitely the best thing I ever did. he was so kind and caring. He's definitely the best person I ever dated, and I've dated a lot of people before him.

My friend Mark (a boy I dated before noah) isn't a big fan of us dating bc he still hasn't gotten over me, though, and neither are the girls at school that like me... Or Noah, but who gives a shit about their opinios, they're useless fucks anyway.

Im laying here on my phone. noah is lying on top of me sleeping he either sleeps all day or gets absolutely no sleep.. it might have to do with trauma, i guess it had to do with his childhood, his parent's werent exactly the most present and loving, but that isn't my business to be getting into, I don't even know everything bc it's a sensitive subject for him and he doesn't really tell anyone about it.

I eventually started getting tired and put my phone down and wrapped my arms around him. He moved a bit, which was expected bc he always does whenever someone touches him while he's sleeping. it's kinda weird actually, how I can touch him, and he won't wake up, but if anyone else does it, he wakes up right away, it's like he can tell the difference on whose touching him, but i dont know why, I'm assuming its trauma again but who knows. childhood trauma is such a fun thing to have, isn't it.

[for those of u whose sarcasm meter is broken, THAT WAS SARCASM!!]

I rolled onto my side, still holding Noah. Tomorrow was gonna be a big day... mainly for him bc his mom is dating some new guy bc his dad left a few months ago after they got divorced, and noah is meeting his new step siblings tomorrow, hes not really excited to meet his new step siblings and I honestly dont blame him, I wouldn't be excited to be getting new siblings either, the worst part is the youngest is like fucking 3.

Noah moved around a bit more than usual. Which means he's either gonna wake up from a nightmare, or he's just restless tonight. Either way, he's gotta get himself together bc some of us are tired and wanna sleep, BUT CAN'T WHEN HES MOVING NONSTOP

It took a while but noah finally stoped moving and for the rest of the night, I continued to think about random things like how the fuck Noah could think stuffed animals have feelings still [uh bc they do u idiot] and replaying old memories in my head of my family and younger siblings, it took me to around 2 before finally drifting off to sleep.

The End...... or is it?

[If u enjoyed it, please let me know, and read my other stories. They're all linked to the same world, just different characters point of views, thanks for reading!!]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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