Mine ♡•

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[Noah's POV] "BABE MEET ME DOWNSTAIRS" I yelled from the kitchen, me and Mike have been officially dating for a month now, he asked me to be his boyfriend and I said yes of course bc who wouldn't, I was really excited when he did bc I love him :)) "YEAH SURE" he yelled out and I heard him coming downstairs just a minute or so later then he walked over to me and hugged me tightly "heyyy" he said with a smile, I hugged him back "hey handsomee" he's just so cute

"soooo what did u need me forrrr" he said, he must be in a good mood today, which is amazing, I smiled "just a hug and a kiss nothing much" he jokingly rolled his eyes "well why didn't u just askkkk" he kissed me and I kissed back then he pulled away "whatcha doingg" I smiled a bit "nothing much I just came downstairs for a drink" he modded "hmmmm okayyyy" he said and pulled away from me breaking the hug which was quite upsetting, he opened the fridge and took a monster out of it "wanna go upstairs and cuddle and watch a movie?" He asked "sure!... butttttt u have to carry me" He rolled his eyes again picked me up and started walking upstairs, I enjoy being carried and I'm pretty sure it's not a secret anymore lol, he never makes comments about my weight even though I'm sure I'm heavy for him even if I am slightly underweight, I'm not calling him weak I just think carrying someone older then u is probably heavy you know?

We got to my room and he laid me down then laid down next to me and wraped his arms around me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him and I laid my head on his shoulder, he turned on a movie for us to watch, it was one I liked but I had other things to worry about, so I closed my eyes to think, I don't normally end up watching the movies anyways, even if I do enjoy them, I just take a nap on him or think to myself while he's interested in whatever is on TV. Which he's fine with sooo. We just laid there holding each other, I could hear the TV on the background but I could only here the voices, I wasn't paying much attention to what they were saying, I was only paying attention to Mike and my thoughts, but even then I was starting to get sleepy and mu thoughts were getting a bit fuzzy, I opened my eyes and looked at mike who was zooned into the tv. I yawned quietly and closed my eyes again and moved up against him more.

[Mike's POV] I heard Noah's quiet yawn and felt him move against me, I pulled him closer and kissed his head, he always gets tired during movies even though he doesn't actually watch the movies with me, I pulled the blankets up over him and smiled and whispered "goodnight baby, I love you" he mumbled out something incoherent and I giggled before looking back at the TV, I love him so much.

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