Business-Chapter 4

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(Huey's pov)

(The next day I woke up and Y/N wasn't besides me but I smelled breakfast meaning she must be downstairs cooking it up.)

(I got up and shower and got dress. Once I finished I headed downstairs and she turned around from the stove coming up to me and wrapping her hands around my neck. I kissed her and she kissed back.)

Y/N: Morning my love

Huey: Morning too you too Babygirl.

Y/N: Want some breakfast?

Huey: mmm love to but I need to hand out. I have things to do today.

Y/N: You serious right now. When you gonna stop doing all this? For the better. For us?

Huey: I don't know but it just life. How you think we gotten all this.

Y/N: Yeah I'm just worried for your safety.

Huey: I'm gonna be okay. I'm always okay.

(I took a toast from the plate that Y/N made and took a bite.)

Huey: Mmm delicious

Y/N: *giggling* whatever. Anyways have a good day today. Okay?

Huey: Of course.

(I kissed her again and left. I grabbed my car keys and hopped in my lambo. Heading to the warehouse for our meeting. Once I arrived I gotten out the car. Walking inside, the looked at me and sat down at the couch.)

Hiro: Hey boss

Huey: Hey

Riley: Nigga you woke up late.

Huey: I went to bed late shut the fuck up it ain't that deep.

Ceaser: So what's the plan?

Huey: We gonna rob the bank of course.

(They started smirking, I mean not that we need the money but why not. These niggas like this type of shit. We criminals after all. I placed a paper sheet on the table, planning everything out.)

Huey: So this is how we gonna do it. We can get to the vault without assaulting the people. Just gotta be sneaky.

Hiro: We gonna be wearing disguises?

Riley: Of course nigga. We can't be spotted.

Ceaser: Yeah.

Huey: We need an distracting. Who wanna be it?

Ceaser: Me

Riley: No nigga me

Ceaser: Well we need a fine nigga to do it. So I'm it.

Riley: What you tryna say nigga? Pulled more bitches than you.

Ceaser: Yeah sure you did.

Hiro: Well y'all shut the fuck up so we can stay focus.

Riley: Whatever nigga. Ceaser can be the distraction

Huey: Aight.

(I started making lines and circles and shit to tell everyone their spot.)

Hiro: Where you gonna be at boss?

Huey: I'm gonna be in the helicopter on the roof. Once y'all did y'all part collect the money and come from the back and go up from the ladder. Ceaser will come out from the front to not seem suspicious. He'll use his Lamborghini to meet us right back at the warehouse.

Riley: Gotcha. But how we gonna do it with these security cameras and shit.

Huey: Imma hack the cameras. Imma have the hitman's to take out the bodyguards and they'll be there as securities.

Hiro: Hmm I like how this plan going. What bank we robbing

Huey: The luxury bank.

(They looked at me like I was crazy. I took out my weed and light it up and starting smoking it. I chuckled at their reactions even tho I am serious.)

Huey: Scared?

Riley: Nigga have you lost your mind?

Ceaser: On god that's like the most hardest bank to rob. Do you know the securities items they have.

Hiro: For real. I wonder what the hell you been smoking.

Huey: Exactly. That's why everything is gonna go to plan. Just follow my instructions.

Riley: Sheesh. I guess nigga you is the most dangerous person I ever fucking met. Actually been dealing with yo ass my whole life.

Hiro: On god tell me about it. I never thought you would be so serious about this type of shit.

Huey: Why wouldn't I?

Ceaser: I mean since we was kids I always thought you was just a big afro cool head ass nigga but we never know what's going on in your mind. You are like some type of book.

(I chuckled, I mean they not wrong. I never thought my life would end up like this neither. But I guess it is what it is. I was thinking about how much an income I can become but also thinking about what Y/N told me. I don't want to disobey or hurt her. But I do want her to understand I been doing this shit for a living. It's a lot to just let go. I can't wait to make her my wife.)

Hiro: So what disguises we gonna be wearing?

Huey: Ceaser gonna be wearing a suit like he in a business.

Ceaser: Shit. Tight ass jeans and a bow tie

Riley: Yeah nigga you trying to look ghetto.

Huey: You and Riley gonna be wearing a black masked outfit.

Riley: Nigga that's gay. Ain't nobody wanna look like a ninja.

Huey: Fine where a pizza delivery outfit then.

Riley: Fine then nigga. All I'm saying that it's gay. I'm gonna look like my black ass ain't even supposed to be there.

Huey:  Exactly. We not supposed to be there. But we gonna anyways. We need to do this all on a perfect time. It's like we go in and come out.

Hiro: Gotcha gotcha..But what about the girls?

Riley: They won't know. Duh nigga

Hiro: But ain't it like keeping a secret from them.

Riley: Yeah? So what nigga not like they need to know. I mean we just fucking them.

Huey: And you wonder why women says niggas ain't shit Riley.

Hiro: I actually love Faith

Ceaser: Exactly. You the only playa here son.

Huey: Yeah I can't cosign with you on this Riley.

Riley: Whatever niggas. I don't even know what love feels like but whatever.

Huey: Well maybe you and her need to work on that together. Don't play her heart and act like everything is everything.

Hiro: I agree

Huey: Anyways meet me in the living room in the morning tomorrow. Make sure the girls will still be sleep.

Riley: Aight

Ceaser: Mkay

Hiro: Gotcha.

Sorry I haven't posted on this story. I was focusing on the ex husband one. But I didn't forget about this one. I'm gonna work on this one once I finish the other story that is still in progress right now. But anyways find out what's going to happen in the next chapter. Again if this your first read of this book check out the 1st one to get caught up so there won't be any confusion. 🥰❤️

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