Meeting Up with Dev- Chapter 15

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(Y/N's pov)

(The next day I was already up and was changing my clothes. Only reason is so I can meet up with Dev and see what is going on between him and Huey. While I was finishing up with my hair Huey entered the room and I made eye contact with him from looking at the mirror.)

Y/N: What?

Huey: Nothing, why you getting dressed?

Y/N: Just... going to run some errands that's all

Huey: What type of errands

Y/N: Why that matters?

Huey: it don't I don't really give a damn. Forget that I even said anything

Y/N: ...That's it?

Huey: What you talking about now?

He says as he sits down on the bed and sighs with annoyance while cracking his knuckles and moving his neck like he was getting ready to fight someone but he actually just chilled.

Y/N: You been acting weird lately.

Huey: Can we be specific I have no idea what you're talking about.

Y/N: Huey I mean you acted like you didn't even wanted to kiss me yesterday. Then don't even care what errands I need to do don't you?

Huey: I do, but again it's none of my business so I don't.

Y/N: ....Okay what about the kiss yesterday?

Huey: Wasn't feeling it

Y/N: So you falling out of love with me is that what it is?

Huey: I didn't said that I said I wasn't feeling the kiss

(He says with nonchalant expressions. Ugh Huey is just Huey. I swear it's like you can never tell if this means gives a damn or not. I'm not begging for attention but he been acting different lately since yesterday morning. The last time we spoke was yesterday morning which is a damn shame we always spoke longer than that. Then the way he kissed me like he didn't even wanted to.)

Y/N: But why that's what I wanna know.

Huey: How I'm just supposed to just be okay that my girl is going to go see another guy. Not even letting me come with her.

Y/N: Huey you know you and Dev can't be in the same room.

Huey: So?! So Can't you and him

Y/N: Huey he is not gonna do anything to me.

Huey: Never said he was. But he obviously wants you wouldn't even care if you was engaged or not.

Y/N: Well I'm not unloyal.

Huey: I wouldn't know

(That's all he said and got up and make an up and down look at me before walking out the bedroom. I sighed with annoyance why does he have to act like this. I mean he has a point I wouldn't want him going anywhere along with a girl knowing they could be doing anything suspicious I wouldn't know about. But I have my reasons why I'm doing this. I just need to get going I grabbed my keys and left the house.)

(As soon I got in my car I took my phone out before driving to text Dev that I was on my way. After he responded back I then started moving on the road going to the destination. Apparently he at a club which is fine I need a drink anyways after what just happened. After 15-20 minutes I arrived at the club and got out my card, showing the bodyguard my id and going inside. He waved me over to the counter and I went over to sit down.)

Dev: Hey mamas

Y/N: Hey, uhm

Dev: I gotcha, what you want.

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