Meeting Up With The Gangstas-Chapter 25

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Y/N's pov

It was already the next morning and I was still in bed and realized Huey was not next to me. I swear this man is always moving.

Y/N: The fuck is you doing now?

Huey: Finna go to meet up with them and ask them questions.

Y/N: Nooooo, just stay in bed a little longer it's only 11:00 anyways.

Huey: Exactly, I'll be back before you know it.

Y/N: Where are you going now!!!?

Huey: I gotta investigate the other 3's to get what I'm looking for. Luckily they all living in the same place so it won't take that long.

Y/N: Ughhh. Let me come with you this time.

Huey: Fine, if it makes you shut up that'll be fine.


Huey: Shhh! People are sleeping be mindful.

Y/N: I don't care because you are not about to treat me like a child. Now help me out of bed.

Huey: Why you need help out of bed.

Y/N: Because I said so. You're gonna treat me like a queen, not a child.

Huey: ... Whatever "Your Majesty".

He said as he rolled his eyes and picked me up from the bed and carrying me to the bathroom while I was giggling. As an hour went back we was already here. We got out the car and headed inside. I wonder what do they gots to do with the case. When Huey knocked on the door. Ryan opened it slowly and peaked to see who it was. He then opened the door freely and moved out the way for us to come inside.

We walked in and we sat in the living room he lead us to. Oh great all 3 of them is here so it'll make things quicker and I can finally spend the day with my husband. Well soon to be husband. But where's Dev?

Huey: Where Dallas?

Ryan: He went out with Dev. Ion know what they doing but they both just left not too long ago.

Javier: Why you and yo girl here?

Huey: We had questions.

Y/N: No, you have questions don't put this shit on me.

Huey: ....oh my goodness we not doing this.

Y/N: Just saying, just saying.

Huey: *sighs* well I have questions.

Jacques: Yeeee, no we ain't no snitches.

Huey: You and Riley are one of the same....Just answer these questions and we'll be out y'all way.

Y/N: No you'll be out their way. I'm not in this.

Huey: Shut the hell up-

Y/N: Boy who you talking to..

Huey: I'm sorry.

Y/N: And look just answer and you don't gotta worry about shit else.

Javier: Why should we answer you? What's this an interview or something?

Huey: Do you see cameras and mics?

Javier: No-

Huey: Then shut the hell up because ain't nobody finna report y'all niggas.

Ryan: Just ask the questions.

Huey: Did any of you knew about Dev arrest 2 years ago?

Jacques: Ye, we knew. And what about it?

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