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Chapter 12

*2 hours later*

Melanie's POV

Turning to the other side of the bed I sigh pulling my phone off the bedside table dialing the only number I know would love to see me right now. She probably won't know the number since I'm having to change phones at least every 2-3 days. You know for safety reasons so he doesn't track the phones location or anything.

"Oh shut the fuck up I'm done." Amy's voice cuts through harsh.

"Uhm-" I try getting her attention as I hear Tyler and Amy exchange a few unpleasant words.

"Hey darling." Amy finally says when the background noise becomes quieter.

"What's up with you and Tyler?" I ask.

"Oh he's being a total selfish dick because I didn't wash goddam dishes." I'm shocked Tyler and Amy have been together for atleast 2 years and they fight over something so simple.

"Really? Dishes?"

"Yes," Amy sighs, "he's been a real jerk lately. I thought he'd maybe lighten up but it's sorta gotten worse."

Her words take a hit on me. . . Is this what it's gonna be like with me and Luca in the future? Is there gonna be harsh times like this? I've never really been in a serious relationship, well I have but I don't think you'd actually call that serious. He was a playboy type. Always thought he'd hurt my feelings so he tip toed around me as if I'm glass. It was weird to think about, after some time it wasn't the same. He took advantage of my body or my health. Then blamed it on me for caring about it.

"Oh, Ames it's gonna get better one way or another but please promise me if it does get worse. . Physical. You'll end it there and then."

It was quiet for a few seconds then she answered, "of course."
"I'm gonna go apologize."

"For what?" I asked

"Just to make sure he's not entirely mad at me for some sorta rea-"

"You will let him HIM apologize first. Baby girl you didn't do shit wrong."

Amy laughs then responds with and 'okay' before telling me she had to go. After our call I got up and made my way to the kitchen... Well that is once I finally found it.

Pulling a glass cup from the top cabinet I then took out a red wine bottle. Pouring the glass hallway full I grabbed my laptop from the packed suitcase upstairs, placing it on the counter. I sat down going to an app.

Once I had taken a sip of red wine I put my hair into a high bun, punching in the first few words and drinks. I had written a whole chapter. The book was about a young teenage couple. . . God what I would do to be a teenager these days. Anyways back to the story. These two teenagers find themselves trapped in an underworld. Both wanting out both wanting normal civilized life's for once. They come together, work together, accomplish getting out but run in to a tiny problem with the boss. They thought he was dead but come to find out he only tricked them both into thinking that. He kidnapped them both, sent them into a mission. Suicide missio-

My thoughts get cut short when I hear  guns click.

I turn around to see 5 different guys dressed in nothing but black from head to toes holding different types of guns aiming them all at me. Out of instinct I raise my hands my heart nearly exploding from the beating its doing and my eyes widening.

"Who are you?" I ask.

A guy that's in front, looks to be the leader of this nods his head I scrunch my eyebrows up in confusion and open my mouth to ask 'what's going on' but before I can get it out there's a hard pain in the back of my head and it goes black very quickly.

Lucas POV

"I told you I don't know where she is. . ." My stomach was stretched with blood pouring out of it as if it were a waterfall.

"Oh but you do. . . I have everything on camera from let's see, November 23rd through- Now." Arnold states, checking his watch. "By the way, I love the show you two put on last night. . . Didn't know my daughter liked it rough. Oh wait never mind- I do know." He smirks crossing his arms over his chest. Those words ring in my ear as curiosity feels my expression.

"She hasn't told you has she?" He asks.

"About what?"

"The rape."


He laughs bringing his head back. After he gets down from his high, Arnold looks at me again with pure hatred. "You took her from me. . ."

"What do you fucking mean?!"

"You made her fall into your trap. But i of course always win I'll make her my own again. I'll own her."

He's gonna fucking kill her. She'll never see me again. Doing what I know best even though it's gonna hurt like hell afterwards I grab him by the waist with my legs until he's close to my reach.

The other guards around us pull their guns out and aim at me. Arnold shakes his head at them and they all lower them.

"You are dead to her after she finds this out."

"She won't find out if it doesn't get out."

"Either way she's gonna figure out."

"Well what if I told you she was here."

"You kidnapped Melanie!?"

"Yes and something more worthy of."

The door opens and in comes Melanie. Her hands are tied in front of her and there's a black bag over her head. Mumbles and sobs come from the bag as of the new kick she sends to the guy behind her. "Fucking bitch!" He screams hitting the back of her head.

Her body goes limp until it hits the floor and we are left with nothing but silence. "Feisty. . ." Arnold comments getting out of my grip.

"Don't you dare fucking hurt her!" I scream trying to get out of these chains that are cutting into my wrists by now.

He laughs turning around with the three other guards walking out of the room. "LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!"" I yell one last time before they completely walk out.

My head hangs while I try getting to the keys over on the table beside the wall. It's not far I could probably reach it. Trying to get closer each time resulted in me failing.

Minutes later I gave up. Another few words popped into my head.

'Something more worthy of'

He's only knew me a few months. Documents are  off the table, we didn't even have any to document. Fuck yes we did.

𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷 & 𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓾𝓻𝓮 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now