Chapter 4

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*** Austins POV***

Holding her in my arms again is all I could ever ask for. The label made me o out with other girls for publicity but I could never kiss them so they would break up with me. Really, Ive only kissed my first girlfriend and Eli. In movie and music videos I have kissed other people but never has a kiss ever felt so calming.

She makes me feel like a normal person, not a pop star. Thats all I ask for. That sing she wrote this morning was just incredible. Her heart was speaking while her mouth sang. I know I sound like a cheesy gay guy, but she has that effect on me. Somehow, I turned from the guy wanting every girl that walked past to not even glancing at another. And I have done that with others. All the girls I dated for the label would get so mad because every girl would walk past and I would check to see if she was Eli. But no one even compared to how beautiful she was.

Tabloids every week would say how I broke her and she disappeared and was moving on. There was even on tabloid that spoke about how she was finally dating someone else because they caught a picture of her hugging some guy. The next week it was a cheating scandal because they saw her hugging a different guy. A whole Twitter war began but I had not realized before that she had deleted her Twitter from the hate. Hate of me being broken. I went missing for weeks at a time thinking of her. Writing songs about her. I just couldnt get her off of my mind. Now I cant get her off of my heart. Or out of my arms.

She was at school for the rest of the day and she has lunch when Im in class so I thought she should come home to the best surprise ever. I have a couple hours to pass before class is over so I have a place the dean of the school I should go for peace and quiet. Theres a couple train tracks down the street and if you go thru the secret opening, you can get underneath the a lake with blooming grass and flowers. He said he found it when he was with his girlfriend when he was my age. I thought I should take her. But not just take her. Send her.

My class went by fast considering I knew half the stuff and the teacher kept fan girling thru the whole period. So, I was out of there in a couple hours. Eli gets out in a half hour which means I have 15 minutes to get her roses and our picnic ready and another 15 to set up the post it notes. Im kind of a hopeless romantic. I went to the school's store and bought a pack of purple sticky notes and a pack of Sharpies. I put arrows on all of them and Im going to set them up so she can be in a maze.

It takes about 5 minutes to get to the train tracks so I hope she gets there on time. I left a note on the door for her to put her stuff and chance into something comfortable but cute. Whish is never hard for her, Shes a god damn fashionista. Well, I ran out the door with my picnik basket and notes. I set one on every phone booth and telephone pole. Every sign I could find and I got to the train tracks finally. I found the opening and put a bunch of arrows pointing towards it.

Just as I got thru the opening my phone vibrated.

'Sending me on a scavenger hunt now, are we?'

I smiled like an idiot at my phone and replied with a subtle. 'Dont follow your heart! Follow the arrows!!!!(;'

'Your so dumb. Call me?'

'In a sec.'

I set up our picnic to a 'T'. Fruits in one place, Mac and Cheese in another. Her favorite ice cream in the cold thingy I bought. And my guitar hidden behind a bush. She sand me her song, Im gonna sing her mine. Im so gonna be a Tumblr boyfriend.

Mental High Five.

Once I was done, I pulled out my phone and dialled her number. After a few rings she finally picked up.

"Okay. Im tired." Was the first thing she wrote.

"Well then keep walking and when you get her you can rest."

College Years (Sequel to Theres Always A Catch Austin Mahone FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now