Chapter 6

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***Eli's POV***

Okay. I get it. Maybe leaving wasn't. the best option. Maybe I should have faced my problems. Maybe I should've told Austin that secret. But I am scared that he wont even be able to look me in the eye. I know that's stupid to think because he is the most understanding person. He will understand it wasn't my fault.

But I feel so dirty. Violated. Disgusting. Vulgar. Nasty. Everything terrible to feel, I feel it. Because what he did to me. If I didn't escape who knows where I'd be. I am so glad he didn't kill Austin last night. He is dangerous. Too dangerous. His name is Roy. His friend told me.

Once I got away, I didn't know where to run. So I ran somewhere safe. My happy place. I ran to a place only my heart would care to find. Only where my mind travels. Somewhere I can let go. Austin will find me here if he searches hard enough.

The tunnel under the train tracks. It was raining last night so the sound of rain soothed me to sleep. I woke up to the sound of a voice calling my name. It was Teal. I could tell. But I didn't wanna be found yet. Not if she had Robert. He'd tell Austin.

I'm not ready to face him.

I looked out the hole to find Teal sitting alone on a bench with her head in her hands.

I tried to call out her name but the crying seemed to hurt my throat too much. I couldn't even yell Hi. I decided to rattle the gate next to me in hopes she would hear.

After I rattled it a couple times, she looked back at the area. Eyes puffy and red. She had obviously been crying.

"Teal!" my raspy voice was loud enough for her to hear. Her head turned to the ddirection I'm in. She had a confused but sad look on her face. She finally saw me and let her eyes adjust for a moment before running to where I was.

"Eli!" She ran in the passage way and didn't care about the dirt on her new pants. "Where have you been!?" She hugged me and didn't let go. Or allow me to speak. "Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Does Austin know where you are? Oh my! Is Austin alright? Robert told me he got hurt pretty bad! Have you- Why dont you answer any of my questions!!"

"If you would allow me to.." I let my voice trail off in a sarcastic tone. She put her hands up in surrender. "I came here after everything happened last night. Robert took Austin home after I stitched up his gash. He was pretty out of it. Roy, the Guy that hit him, started touching me again so I walked outside to find Robert. I finally did and Roy had followed me. I told him to leave and he started rambling about how if I were his girl, he wouldn't cheat. He said that Austin's a pop star and could have ANYONE but he chose me. That I'm his college girlfriend. Once he finds a real girl, hell dump me. But that would NEVER happen if I were Roy's girl. My back was turned to him. He grabbed my ass and when I turned aaround to slap him but.he was gone. Robert was tense the whole time. Still holding Austin. Austin was dozing on and off but was to out of it to acknowledge anything. I told Robert to get Austin home and to get to you. He did just that. I went back in to the party to find my things. But on my way to my car, I was grabbed by a huge hand. Pulling me in to a different car. It was Roy. He said he wanted one thing and he was going to get it. I thought that if I played along, I could get my heels off and hit him in the head. So I played along. Telling him how he was right. Austin could have any girl. How he.shouldn't have me and II should be with Roy and talked to him in a seductive voice. He told me he had protection but left it inside so he went to go and get it. Before he did, he said he had to 'feel' me so he knew I wasn't playing. So I had to let him. If he were to go in the house I could get away, still a virgin. So I let him touch my chest for a couple seconds and he left. I got out of the car and ran for my life. I let my feet take me and they took me here. No one can find me here. I just needed to clear my head."

"Damn. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little shook up. My feet hurt like hell. My heads pounding. I feel like trash. He made me feel like dirt. Then I thought, what I did, was like cheating. Cheating. Im a cheater. Cheaters are trash. Trash doesn't deserve to be with an international pop sensation. Maybe he should be with someone else. And don't give me that crap that he wants me. Because maybe he does maybe he doesnt. You don't know.what the hell goes on in his mind. But here's what's going on in mine. I think my body took me here, because I had to remember Austin.. After what I had done, I can't look him in the eye anymore. Hell think Im disgusting. I can't take that."

"You still have to tell him."

"Not now. I- "

I was going to say something else but was cut off by the sound of her phone.

"Its Robert..."

"So answer it. Just don't tell're with me, please. I still need time."

"Fine." She pressed the green button. "Hey babe.." there was a mumble. "Yeah Yeah Im fine." mumble. "No I haven't found her. Im still looking." mumble "Im about to leave a pair of train tracks and head back to where you guys are." mumble "Oh that's great to hear! Im glad Austins awake! Is he okay?" mumble "Great. See ya then." mumble. "Love you too. Bye"

"He's awake?"


"How do I tell him..?"

"I dunno. But you need to find away. Im gonna tell them where you are soon and you have to have everything sorted out. Please. They can't stress out longer. They need to know your alright. I can't just say you are. Im telling them. Be ready to spill in a half hour."

"Fine.." She got uup and headed out "Hey Teal," She turned around. "Thank you..."

"Anytime hot stuff." She winked at mme and I rolled my eyes.

I sat there thinking for a long time when a song popped in my head. Of course.

Get It Right by Lea Michele.

When I was done singing it, I heard someone behind me clapping.

"Beautiful, Ms.Im-A-Star."

I looked back and saw a face I dreaded seeing.

The truth comes now..

"Austin.. I have to talk to you..."

"Last time you said that we broke up..." His face grew pale.

"Just please sit down..." He took a seat next to me and gave me all of his attention. "I can't believe what I did.."

"What's you do?"

I blurted out the whole story. The same I told Teal and his face grew red and hot...

He was madder than he was last night...

He hates me.

College Years (Sequel to Theres Always A Catch Austin Mahone FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now