Chapter 26

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-A Month and A Half Later.-

♥Austins POV★

Were on our way to the ultrasound where we find out the sex of the baby. Elis already forming a tiny baby bump and I can't be more extatic. Im going to be a dad and I keep asking my mom for advice but she says she's gonna help Eli, not me. Because, though my mom was great at her job, she didn't do the dads part very well.

So Im left to do this father stuff alone. But I think I can do this. As one good poet always said: "All you need is love love love. All ya need is love."

Okay. Don't judge me.

After a couple of minutes of awkward silence driving, Eli spoke up.

"TEALS PREGNANT.." I hit the brakes fast and held Eli back in her seat.


"I couldn't keep it from you any longer. She found out a week ago and she doesn't know how to tell Robert. She told me.not to tell anyone but I had to tell you youre my best friend and I tell you everything. Austin, she's pregnant."

"Wow.. uh.. well Roberts wanted a kid forever. He's wanted one even longer than I have. She shouldn't be nervous to tell him, instead she should be happy." I put my foot on the gas againd and resumed driving. My eyes were fixated on the road but I watched Eli's every move in the corner of my eye.

She rubbed her belly and smiled while she sang Heart In My Hand by Some amazing attractive cutie Austin Mahone, but that's aside from the point. She was happy, and I loved it.

The death threats were gone because of a video Eli had posted one night when I was asleep. It had so much emotion and you could see the hurt in her eyes. Im getting her a job as an actress, she just doesn't know it yet. They're recording voices for some new movie coming out and they need a main character. Its a Disney Princess movie and they think she'll be perfect.

I can't wait to tell her. This news and the news of the baby is just going to be.. an amazing day.

***Eli's POV***

We just arrived at the hospital for an ultra sound. Im shaking. I am so.nervous to find out what Im having. What if Im the next Octomom!?

I just shut my eyes and thought of what my baby would look like. If I had a girl, shed be beautiful. No matter what. She would dress nicely and never have one hair out of place. No body would ever talk about hoe indecent my daughter is. Because she will never be indecent.

If I have a boy.. My son would be handsome and he will be a gentleman. He will grow up and protect whatever siblings he may have in life. If it is a boy, Austin will teach him to dance and play sports. I will teach him etiquette and how to treat a woman. He will be in the nicest clothes and not a hair out of place and he may look like a player but he's a one of a kind gentleman.

"Mr and Mrs Mahone?" A nice bright smiling nurse called our names from a door next to the front desk. Austin raised his hand and she waved at us to follow her.

We walked thru the door and in to a long white corridor. Each door we passed was a baby blue. We followed the nurse and she just pushed us in to the second to last door on the right.

"Alright, Elizabeth, Im just going to take your blood pressure and your temperature. Then Im gonna rub this gel on your baby bump there and once it sets the doctor will be in to tell you the sex of the baby! Any questions?" None. "Great, Ill be right back."

With that she left the room and I let out a breath. I noticed Austin shaking and looking straight ahead at a wall with a pale face and all I could do was laugh. "You nervous?" He just shook his head and continued staring at a wall. "Why?" I tilted my head sideways in curiosity.

College Years (Sequel to Theres Always A Catch Austin Mahone FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now