Chapter 5

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*** Austins POV***

My brain feels as if its going to pound straight out of my head. I look to my side to find the comfort of my girl. But she isn't next to me. I look at her bed to see if she slept alone but she wasn't there at all.

"Eli?" I waited a second for a reply and checked the alarm clock next to me. "Its only 7:40 on Saturday. She's not at school." I got up to get my phone when I notices the red stain on my white crew neck. "The hell?" I git up and ran to the mirror in the middle of the two beds in our room.

Blood stains were all over. Somehow, last night I got a huge cut on my forehead that bled pretty blandly I guess. It was stitched up but the dry blood wasn't cleaned. Now I know why my head feels terrible. But I can't remember anything about last night.

I went back to my bed and layed down. Not bothering to clean up the mess on my shirt or face. Within seconds, my vision fogged up and I was viewing scenes that seem like de Ja vue.

One was of Eli greeting a bunch of girls that she introduced as her new friends from class. I can't remember their names to save my life.

The next one was of me getting me and Eli water bottles and I bumped in to some Guy that was obviously drunk. I apologized but he wanted a fight. He kept calling me pretty boy and pushing me. Robert came and broke us up. The Guy walkex away and said something about finding a girl. While Robert tried to talk to me.

The next one made me angry. I saw the same guy that tried to fight me, grabbing on to Elis arm. She obviously didn't seem interested but he didn't let go. I was calm because robert kept telling me she wouldn't do anything. But he did. He grabbed her waist and kissed her on the lips. I dropped the water bottles and ignored Roberts complaints.

"Let her go." I said thru gritted teeth. My fists clenched.

"Oh I'm sorry pretty boy, you like this chick?"

"She's not just some chick. She's my girlfriend."

"oh in that case.." his voice as he stuck his tongue in her mouth.

"Let me go!!" Eli screamed as she slapped him.

He slapped her and tthat's all it took for me to punch him in the face and knock him down. He fell on the ground and I sat on his hands. I hit him until my hands were bleeding too. I punched him until he was nearly covered in blood. Eli was yelling for me to stop and I finally did when she yelled about how it'll give away my cover.

So I got up and hugged Eli.

"Are you alright?" I checked her arms and face for bruises or anything that would indicate she was hurt.

"I'm fine but- AUSTIN LOOK OUT!" I looked behind me to be greeted by a bat hitting me in the same spot that was stitched up. Everything went black and I remembered where I was.

In my room. If nothing happened for Eli to be hurt, where is she? I picked up my phone to dial Robert or Teal. The first number that showed up was Robert because he is on my speed dial.

After a couple rings, he finally answered. "Austin!! I've been calling you all morning. To make sure you weren't in some comma or if you know where Eli or Jocelyn in are!?!?!"

"Teals missing too?!?!"

"Yes!! She went with Eli to comfort her when this guy told her you were cheating.."


"Yeah.. you remember?"

"Yeah. I had a couple flashbacks."

"Well they didnt come back last night so I thought they might've crashed there.."


"Be there in 5"

Suddenly he hung up.

My baby girls missing...

College Years (Sequel to Theres Always A Catch Austin Mahone FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now