Chapter 2~ Small outing before real work♥

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I awake to the sound of an alarm. What am I? A school girl?

I quickly get out bed and put on one of my daily attire consisted of a beige sweater, leather black pants and beige boots to match my sweater.

I don't have any missions until midnight so I should fine to do whatever I please.

But then I'll have to deal with having a guard from Boten watching me.

"I guess. I could get to know him a little!" I said with my usual smile.

I walk into the front of the apartment to see the guard already dressed sitting on one of the sofa.

"Hm~ looks like your ready! Lets go!" I walk over to the front door.

"Here miss I'll open it for you." The guard opens the door for me.

"Thanks! Your quite the gentleman!" I walk out the door with him following behind. We walk to the nearest shopping district. On the way I decided to make small talk.

"By the way I didn't quite catch your name?" I ask for his name.

"My name is of no relevance." He says. He talks in a very polite manner. Not that its annoying or anything it's honestly quite adorable.

"Alright! Should I call you "guard" from now on?" I teased.

"If you wish too I don't mind." He says.

"Fine. "Guard" lets go get something to eat! Shall we~" I grab hold of his hand and guide him into a cafe. We both sit at one of the tables. I pick up one of the menus placed on the table.

"Hm~ this pancake sounds delicious!" I look over at Mr guard to ask what he wanted before I called over a waiter.

"Guard~What is would you like from the menu?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He says while looking out the window.

"Aw don't be like that. I'm treating so please, get whatever you'd like!"

He looks at me, skeptical before answering. Hm I wonder why he thinks that I'm being suspicious. I think it's because he thinks I'm trying to win him over for my wicked and evil plans for Boten.

He stares at me for a few my seconds causing me to smile in amusement.

"Are you that against free food?" I chuckle lightly before passing over a menu for him to choose from. He's hesitant at first but obliged. He quickly scans through the menu items and then chooses something.

"I want this please." He points at the menu. I read the item's name.

"A brownie sundae? Sure!!" I called a waiter over and gave our orders for a brownie sundae and my order for strawberry pancakes.

"Is that all?" The waiter said.

"Yes! Thanks!~"

"No problem!"

The waiter then left with smile and our orders wrote down.

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