Chapter 7~ Long day ♥

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In the sky on a very troublesome night word gets out that the Boten and their little assassin is out and about. But luckily no Intel of their location was reported. So Federal police patrol aware and hopeful.



I had tighten the fabric around the wound on my leg to keep it from bleeding. Though I should get it checked out. But for now I can wait.

Kokonoi has ordered some of his retainers as you call it to fly us over to the meeting spot with Mikey to discuss this Ray. We don't have exact details of where he is at the moment but it's more than likely we will.

Not long after we lifted off authorities were called to check out the puzzling crash not far off shore. We took cover in a news helicopter to avoid any attention from the authorities. That would be bad if we were to get caught. Especially for me.

Lights of police helicopters shine brightly through the sky looking for evidence of anybody near by at all. A silence went all of us in the helicopter. We all listened intently to the radio that podcast the federal enforcement's conversation.

"I don't see anyone near the area."

"Keep looking in the area. They shouldn't have gotten too far."

"Copy. Over in out."

And with that I'm guessing they didn't notice us. Great! My head starts to throb intensely. I grab hold of my head to quell the pain.

"Miss Y/n are you alright!?" Akihiro reaches out to me out of concern for me.

He caught the attention of Ran and Rindou. They turned their heads in the direction behind them to get a better look at what was going on.

"I- just have a bad headache is all." I said in a calm voice.

"hmm doesn't seem like it. Let me take a look."

"I'm Fi-"

Rindou sits in front of me already prepared to check up on my head.

"I said that I'm alright?" I said to Rindou and he just scoffed.

"I'm helping you out. So just be quiet" He said to silence my objections. His brother laughed at him in the background.

"What's so funny?" Rindou asked in a dull voice.

"Nothing." Ran said while smiling.

Confused as well but I do stay quiet.

"Now answer some of my questions." Rindou says.

"Okay. Continue~" I said with my usual smile.

He pulls out a flashlight and points it to the ground.

"Does this flashlight look a little less brighter than is would usually?" He ask while looking at me.

I look at him then the flashlight. I study the flashlight before giving my answer.

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