Chapter 11~ We came. We saw♥

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I awaken in the mist of a crisis.




I have awaken in the field from before. My eyes squint as tiny pieces of dirt and grass blew in my face. It stung a little causing me to shield my face.

Yes this is most definitely the field I passed out in.

While slowly coming awake, I stand up slowly while grabbing onto my head. My body ached all over but I had no choice but to bare through it.

My vision cleared up allowing me to see as clear as water.

I take note of the nearby area and notice the smashed car was still there from before but I did notice one difference. Miss y/n is no where in sight. 'Did that man somehow take her?' 'Impossible?' 'We were so careful? What went wrong??'

So many thoughts ran through my mind.

But then a trickle of blood that ran down the side of my face halting all train of thought in my mind as I lifted my hand up to my head to wipe the blood the slowly fell.

'what's wrong with me? I'm losing my cool.' I thought.

I carefully began to think through this mess to pick the most logical answer.

"That's it!"

I looked down at my leg and notice that my phone is still intact. I pull out my phone out of my left pocket and contacted Rindou.

He was the most trust worthy in my opinion.

*ring ring


Someone picked up!

Who is this?

This is Akihiro. We have been under attacked. Y/n has been taken.

Under normal circumstances Boten would just through away someone who was a burden in anyway but I'm hoping that Rindou could help. After all he does have some place in his heart for her. Does he not?

What!?? Fill me in on what happen.

On our way out of the warehouse someone rammed our car over. It was someone whom I didn't recognize. But they were very strong. I couldn't do much especially now. Come over here as fast as you can.

All right I'm on my way. Put your tracker on so I can find you.



Now that has been taken care of. I set up the tracker on my cell phone and go to check out the wreck for any answers as to what might have happened while I was knocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2023 ⏰

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