Chapter 5~ Safe trip?♥

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The two men were brought in by me and Rindou I guess.

"Here Koko!" I throw both of the men on the ground.

"I'm leaving. See ya~" I wave my hand and began toward the exit.

I noticed that only a few of the Boten executives were there. Eh who cares I'm tired. I'm leaving anyway.

As I was leaving a hand grabbed my shoulder. The pink haired gentleman from before did so. Hm~ I thought that he always left with Mikey? I look around the room to find Mikey but he wasn't here.

"You were ordered to stay." The pink haired man says.

"By whom?" I ask.

"Mikey. Now stay. Or it is your head next." He says, walking off.

"I guess home is far off again." I turn back around to watch the show again. I'm probably expected to torture. Ugh I hate torture. I'm probably going to use some kind of drug to get them to talk. But wouldn't it defeat the purpose? Who knows.

They tied both men in the same fashion as the other man. They grabbed buckets of water presumably to use to wake them up with. They walked toward both men and splashed it into their faces.

"guah! Uh where are we!?" Both men were awake almost immediately, confused and terrified. Both men checked the room and locked on the few executives in the room. Their eyes filled with terror immediately. The blood drained from their faces like they knew what they were about to face.

"Now your awake. Now tell us what we need to know. What did you do with the drugs you stole from us?" Kokonoi began questioning them. So what I'm gathering from this is that three traitors stole drugs and ran away with them. Guessing from the huge place I was just at an hour ago they bought it with the money and began selling the rest of the drugs at their base.

Sounds pretty reckless considering who they crossed. People talk so they were bound to be ratted out sooner or later. I'm tired when is this gonna be over with?

"Uh I don't know! I swear!" The man pleaded.

"Wrong answer." The pink haired gentleman slammed his head against a wall.

"AHH!! DAMN IT!!" The man screamed in pain. Blood ran down his nose his clothes, and hair disheveled. A purple bruise grew on his face. The other man looked in horror.

"Choose your next words carefully." The pink haired man growled in a low angry voice. His eyes avoid of all emotion.

"What did you do with the drugs?" He asked once more tiring of the same question.

" We gave them to Ray!" The other man couldn't bare to see his friend get beaten in front of him so he gave information in order to save him.

"Who is this Ray?" Kokonoi began to speak again. He was propped up against a wall, watching from afar.

"He is our boss from before. He is in Yokohama right now. " The man gave more info about this mysterious employer. The plot thickens. I thought it was only these three. But I guess there is  others as well.

"Thanks!" The pinkette smiled. He put his sword back into its scabbard.

The male sighed in relief.

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