Chapter 4 ~ Dirty trivials♥

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The man has been taken and tied to a metal shelf in the warehouse that lay many barren shelves, and boxes. The chilly air settles in giving an eerie feeling to the environment. The dimly lit room showed the many Boten members that were present, patiently waiting for their victim to awake like wolves waiting for their prey.

The sudden gust of wind made chills go up my spine when I noticed a sudden figure at the end of the shelves sitting on a box.

He looked up at me. Mikey. His dark lifeless eyes boar into my own making me feel uneasy. I looked away. The might've been the first time I ever felt so intimidated by someone. I regain my composure.

I sit down on one of the wooden crates that sit in this abandoned warehouse.

I wait patiently as well. I sigh mentally at how long this'll take. Just when I thought he'll never wake up he did. His eyelids slowly fluttered open.

"Huh!? Where is this place? Huh you b***c you brought be here!" The man said in a loud angry voice.

"I did indeed." I said with a smile.

I slowly stand up. The man with pink hair grabs the man by the hair and slams his face into the metal pole he was tied to.

"Holy s**t you mother f***r ugh that hurt!" The man yelled in pain.

"It'll sting more if you don't start talking. You know what this is about." The purple hair younger Haitaini starts to speak. He was getting off one of the near by metal shelves with a knife in hand. He had a very calm voice as if he did this at least a million times.

"Huh!? I don't know what your talking about? Your going to have to elaborate?" The man said. He's a strong man I'll give him that. His face got slammed into the metal pole once again.

"Don't make me say it again you had better start talking." The male with pink hair spoke this time. His voice in a low growl.

"You'll get nothing out of me might as well kill me." The man said with a smirk on his face.

"Your right! might as well." The male brought out a katana. He unsheathed the sword to reveal a shiny metal blade. He brought the blade up to the mans throat.

"Bye~" he slit his throat. So brutal. 

"Ugh now we have to find someone else now." The older Haitaini said in a irritated voice.

I kinda still don't know what exactly is going on since I wasn't given details besides a traitor. I'll go ask kokonoi later on, I'm tired.

The pink haired male stood up. He flicked his blade in the air to get rid of the blood that stained his sword. He skillfully places it back in the scabbard and walks off towards Mikey. Hm~ he's a strange one.

I really did nothing to help so I guess this mission won't be so hard since they are capable enough but my contract isn't due until Monday. So I guess I can hold out until then.

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