Chapter 10 ~ Unlucky ♥

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I could barely see anything. All I seen was darkness.
I opened my eyes slowly as my ears rang out loudly. I couldn't hear anything.

My head ached terribly. When I finally came to I realized we have been hit. Our car was flipped upside down. Suddenly filled with panic I immediately am filled with adrenaline and find the strength to get up.

I hear gunfire on the side of the car.

"What's going on?" I say in firm but quite voice to myself.

I notice that my entire body is upside down and caught in the seat belt.

I began to look around me. Broken shards of glass was everywhere. The driver was killed but Akihiro was completely out of site which leads to believe he is out there.

I pull a fire arm from out my side and prepare myself to what ever I might face on the other side.

I  unbuckle the seat belt which in return makes me fall. I grunt in pain from landing on glass. I bare thought then kick down the window of the car on my side.

I proceed to climb out on my side. The silence of the night makes this event ever more eerie as I no not of what happen.

I crouch down next to the car as to not draw attention to myself.

I slide against the car to the end of the car to get a view at what's going on as I hear nothing or see nothing.

"Akihiro where are you?" I whisper to myself.

The entire field around the car was completely empty nothing but the sound of the grass blowing the wind which leads me to believe something is out there waiting for me to make a move.

"Hey there! You seem so very tense is everything alright?"


The sound of a boyish sounding male was right in my ear.

The hairs on the back of neck stand tall as I reflexively jump far away from this mysterious male.

"My my no need to fear me as I'm not here to harm you or rather... Hmm"

I am faced with a male that smiles innocently but with malicious intent. I sense his strength. I'm rather intimidated.

I decided to keep quite and on guard.

The male puts a finger to his chin in order to recall something he has forgotten.

"Hmm I think he Said something along the lines of capture her? Was it? I Don't know? But I do know your the infamous y/n that everyone's been talking about? Hmm~? To think I caught her so off guard too? You make believe your nothing too special"

The male kneels down to my level.

"Who are you?" I ask in a low and firm tone.

"Who am I? I think you already know? Heh heh."

The male chuckles lightly at my question.

"Ok then don't answer. Who sent you?" I ask another question.

"Someone you shouldn't bother knowing as you already know what gonna happen very soon! Hahahahah!!"

The male laughs like he just heard a joke.

Sensing an attack I hurriedly fly backwards into a back flip putting every ounce of strength into my front feet, leaving dust in the air. Mid air I cock my custom pistol and fire multiple rounds at the male.

He dodged every single one earning a shocked expression on my face.

I land on both my feet. I hold my pistol at my side in case I need to fire.

"Your not normal. Are you one of those blood hounds?"

"Ding ding!! Yep you are correct! I could say the same thing to you I suppose!"

"imma need you to come with me now as I have your other friend as well! Don't worry I won't take him as he is worthless! Chop chop!"

He claps his hands together.

Confused I realize now that I'm too late. My head begins to feel light. I look at my right arm to see a tiny needle injected into my arm.

" ki..nd of drug....?" My eyes grow heavy and I pass out.

"Got her!!" The males say happily.

"She not as strong as they say! I have to say I'm disappointed. But she is a beauty!" The male picks up y/n limp body over his shoulder and takes her back to his client.


To be continued!♥

Authors notes♥

Short chapter! Next one will be long so be ready!♥

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