Chapter 6~ Troublesome♥

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The pinkette sits in the seat in front of us. Next to us were kokonoi and Rindou. There was only enough seats to fit each and everyone of us. Their boss Mikey took another private plane. He has is own people watching him. We are backup for Mikey just in case something happens which I think it will.

Back at the mini airport I notice a figure in all black watching us from a far. It was one of the guards guise as one of Boten. It only watched Mikey and his actions. It was pretty obvious he wanted something.

He didn't look like he was gonna do anything but it doesn't hurt to stay on my guard. Who knows what that little guard has up his sleeve. But in the meantime I'll just relax.

I look over to my side to see Akihiro shoulders relaxing but still a little tense. I could see it in his eyes.

He so young but he's in the worlds top mafia gang. I wonder how he got here? Distracted by the voices calling out I turn my direction towards them.

Drinks were being passed around by a flight attendee hired by Boten. The woman offered many drinks including non alcoholic beverages.

I decided drink but a glass of juice. Tasty indeed. After drinking the most refreshing juice I noticed I haven't talked to the pinkette.

I look at the pinkette across from me, noticing him looking a bit restless. 'What's up with him?' I thought.

"Are you alright?" I ask out of curiosity.

He just sends me a glare before looking back out the window. I don't think he likes me very much. I chuckle a bit, thoroughly amused.

"So scary. I noticed you seem a bit restless. But really are you fine? you look pale."

"Keep your damn thoughts to yourself..."

"Alright I'll do that." He seems irritated. He's pale, irritated, and restless. I don't know he seems okay to me since he wants to have an attitude.

I lightly chuckle and look out the window on the jet, earning a glare in my direction. I keep myself entertained by staring out at the beautiful sunset.

The beautifully swirled patterns of orange and yellow compliment each other. Patches of clouds fly past, illuminated by the suns vast light. I could watch this all day.

But I remembered how long this flight could take.

It's going to take fourteen hours to get to Japan. After that we have to drive to Yokohama. This is going to be a long trip.

I get out my seat to make it to the restroom to wash my face.

"y/n where are you going?" Akihiro asks.

"Oh I'm just going to freshen up a bit! I'll be back in a few." I smile down at Akihiro.

"Alright. See you."

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