Chapter 3~ Fair game♥

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I slip off into a mild day dream into the car's window. I see the bright lights surrounding of the large night club approaching as we near our destination I prepare myself for whatever my await on the other side.

The taxi slowed at the entrance and then stopped.

I hand the taxi driver the appropriate amount of money.

"Have a good rest of your night sir!~" I smile before opening the car door. I stand on the other side of the door and close it.

"You too miss." I heard the driver say before driving off. I smile and wave him goodbye. I walk towards the entrance. Two guards blocked the way. I wonder if I could get in?

"Excuse me sir. My I come in?~" I sung.

"What's your name?" The guard asked for confirmation on the list.

"My name in Manami." I used a fake name, the one I always used.

The guard looked down the list and sure enough my burner name was found.

"Come in." The guard stepped aside so I could walk in.

A place filled with alcohol, and lustful men and women await inside this place. I mentally sigh. These kind of places don't suit me well.

The smell of alcohol overwhelmed my senses. I was told to meet with Boten in the VIP lounge. I vaguely remember the Boten members faces so I doubt this could be easy.

I look through the millions of people to find the VIP lounges.

But all I could find were the flashing lights of different colors enough to blind someone. Nothing but built up cups and drunken men and women everywhere.

And then I bump into a man on the way.

"Uh excuse me sir." I curve out of his direction. But before I could leave he grabbed on to my hand to stop me.

"Mind if we have a drink pretty lady?" The man asked.

"No thank you sir. I have to find someone. Now if you'll excuse me." I grabbed back my hand and began to leave but he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.

This'll be quite trouble some.

"Come. I'll show you a great time!~" the man winked at me.

"Sorry sir. Find someone else who's interested." I tried pushing him away but his grip had gotten stronger. Normally I could handle this in a flash but I'm in a public area so fighting him will get me kicked out. But however my options are not limited.

I sigh softly.

"Hm~ what's wrong dear?" The male whispers into my ear. He's close enough now. I swiftly hit the back of his neck knocking him out in a flash. He falls back onto the couch behind him. He looked peaceful. I chuckle to myself.

Nobody sees the little exchange so I took the chance to flee. But someone else caught my hand.

I wonder who this might be?

I look over my shoulder to see one of the Boten executives. The one with a scar covering across the right side of his face. He also has short black hair, styled. His chest slightly exposed showing the Boten's insignia on his chest.

Boten's Assassin (Boten X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now