The reason why our teachers hated us was bc of the fact that no one would pay attention and instead play games, pass notes, or shout out laud except my math teacher she was the best and everyone loved her. She was the only teacher that actually enjoyed our jokes and other random stuff we did. Now ik what ur thinking "oh but that's what every class does what's so special abt ur class?" well have u ever had 2 boys sitting in the back seat kissing each other on the lips then swearing their not gay then the same ppl the next day say that their dating each others leg then proceeds to draw a face on each others leg and start kissing each others leg? and that's just the beginning.
There was this one girl in my class that had the whole "pick me" attitude package that everyone hated she used the fact that her dad works in the school as an excuse to everything, if she got in trouble, or something of hers taken away, or shouted at, she'd always say "my dad works in the school I can do whatever I want" and to top it all off she was the biggest snitch. Someone did something they weren't supposed to when the teacher was gone she snitched, someone said a bad word she snitched, someone ate during class she snitched, someone did literally anything wrong whether it was big or small she always snitched.
Then there was a group of boys who where "obsessed" with my friend, lets call her ruby? So basically every day in the morning they would greet "ruby" then accompany her to her seat the they would show her a picture they found saying "I love u "ruby", in all caps with hearts and crowns all around. Then the same ppl would blame her for everything, for example, someone whistled during class and the miss asked who did it they would always say "miss it was "ruby", in which my friend would always replay with "Miss what "ruby" I didn't do anything"
My 7th grade experience
MizahBasically this is abt the crazy/annoying things I experienced when I was in 7th grade. hope u enjoy reading :) (p.s. non of these are made up stories all happened irl I have proof that proof being it was in 7th grade)