One: Battle Training

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Violetpaw yawned softly, raising her head.
She heard the chirping of birds in the trees, the fluttering and swishing of branches swaying; the sound of the daily patrols being sent out.

Beepaw stirred beside her, his fur glowing in the sunlit den.
"Morning, Violetpaw."he mumbled sleepily.

Violet sighed.
Another day. "Morning."she grumbled.

Why couldn't I have died in my sleep?

She stretched her front legs, then her back legs, arching her tail over her back.She felt breathing on her side, and bristled, relaxing slightly when she saw it was Flowerpaw, her foster sibling.

Her other siblings she was raised with would be Flamepaw and Featherpaw.
Violetpaw didn't like how the three littermates were so close with each other, but not with her.

At least Flowerpaw gave an effort to help Violetpaw fit in.
Not that Violetpaw cared.
She didn't want to be loved by anyone.

She nudged Flowerpaw aside much harsher than she'd intended to, and stalked out of the den, tail dragging in the dirt.

She spotted Beargrowl sending away the final patrol, then turning and spotting her.He trotted over to her. "Can you check on the elders, please, Violetpaw? I haven't seen any other apprentices, yet."

Violetpaw groaned. "Really? I checked them yesterday!"she let out a huff of frustration.Of course she got stuck with the worst job, all because the others wouldn't get up.

"Thanks."Beargrowl snapped, flicking his tail toward the secluded elders den.
He turned and padded into the leaders den.

Letting out a hiss, she marched over to the den, which was surrounded by brambles, thorns and ferns.
She poked her head in.

"Anyone need anything?"she asked grumpily.

Please don't!

"I do,"came the raspy reply of Badgerswipe. "Bout' time an apprentice
showed up."

Violetpaw flicked her ears irritably, entering the den. "What is it this time, Badgerswipe."she rolled her eyes.

Jaytail and Owltalon lay asleep in the corner of the den, tails draped over each other's backs.Jaytail's light snoring drifted into Violetpaw's ears, and she sighed.

"I got a tick on my shoulder.Hurry up and get it off, would y'a."Badgerswipe grunted, waving a paw.

Violetpaw stormed over to the medicine den, muttering and mumbling under her breath.
"How do elders get so many ticks, anyway? They barely go anywhere."

Flyingfeather, who was dipping moss in a clear puddle, lifted her head when Violetpaw entered. "Greetings, young one! What can I do for you?"
She immediately abandoned her moss to come over and rub her cheek against Violetpaw's.

Flyingfeather had been the one who'd taken care of Violetpaw when she'd been brought into the Clan.
She loved her and found her alone in the forest.But even she didn't know the full story.She only knew half of it.
Flyingfeather of course didn't have milk, so she gave Violetpaw to a nursing queen, who helped keep Violetpaw strong and healthy.
That queen was Tawnyfur, who despite having three real kits, promised to take on another. Violetpaw was grateful to the tortoiseshell, and had a strong bond with her.

Those were really the only two cats she liked.And still, sometimes they got to be a little too much.

"I need mouse bile for a tick on Badgerswipe's shoulder."Violetpaw explained.

"Mouse bile coming right up!"Flyingfeather grabbed a piece of dry moss; stuck it on a stick and drenched it in mouse bile.

"Here you are."

"Thank you."Violetpaw nodded curtly taking the moss from her.

She headed back toward the elders den, giving Moonpaw a weird look.The black furred she-cat was standing on a stump, her fur puffed out.
Moonpaw grinned cheekily.

Pushing into the den, Violetpaw heard Badgerswipe grunt,
"Finally! What took you so long?"

Jaytail — who had woken and was sitting up, grooming Owltalon's fur — let out a soft growl. "Be nice, Badgerswipe! She did her best."

The old tom rolled his eyes.

Violetpaw sat down and dabbed the moss onto his shoulder.
Badgerswipe flinched as the tick squirmed, not falling out.
Violetpaw groaned, applying a bit of pressure to the fat tick.
It still didn't budge, burrowing deeper.

"Get it out!"Badgerswipe whined, flicking his tail crossly.

"I'm trying!"Violetpaw hissed around the stick in her jaws, squishing down on his shoulder with the soaked moss.

The tick finally gave up, falling off onto the ground.Violetpaw took the tick between her teeth and squished it, spitting out the guts.
"There."she huffed, whipping around sharply.

"Thanks, I guess."Badgerswipe growled, heading to the back of the den to curl up and sleep.

"Oh and, Violetpaw?"Jaytail's cheeky mew sounded, causing Violetpaw to whip back around, eyes blazing.

"What!?"she snarled impatiently.

Jaytail looked surprised, eyes widening. "Can you get me something from the prey pile? And some for Owltalon, too."

"Sure."Violetpaw nodded tightly, stalking off to the prey pile.
She rolled her eyes, grabbing a thrush and a water vole from the pile and dropping them at Jaytail's feet.

"Thank you."Jaytail nodded, pushing the thrush over to Owltalon, who sniffed it hungrily and started plucking out feathers.

Outside, Gorgepool was waiting for Violetpaw. "Now that you're done that, you can train with me."

"Ugh!"Violetpaw groaned, stomping after her mentor.

Gorgepool rolled his eyes, picking up the pace as he trotted toward where they'd normally practice training.

They entered a large clearing covered in sand and a few small rocks.
It was surrounded by tall fir trees and a few maples.
Inside were a few fallen logs that the apprentices could use to hide or jump from.There was also a puddle in the middle, but Violetpaw didn't know what it was for.

The sun shone down on the two cats as they faced each other, claws sheathed and eyes serious.

"Attack me."Gorgepool mewed coolly, tensing his muscles.
Unlike other mentors, Gorgepool pushed Violetpaw to her physical limits.

Leaping, paws outstretched, Violetpaw gasped as Gorgepool managed to slip under her, bringing his head up on Violetpaw's stomach.
The black she-cat wheezed as the air was knocked out of her, her chin slamming down on the sand.
She felt teeth in her tail as her mentor dragged her backward.
She sprung to her paws, digging her claws into a tree branch under her.
Gorgepool let go of her tail, whacking Violetpaw's back leg with his front one.With Violetpaw's balance unstable, Gorgepool nudged her with a bit of force, causing the apprentice to fall over again.

Sudden anger surged through Violetpaw's pelt and she leapt to her feet, whirling around to face the sand coloured tom, who blinked in surprise.
Not hesitating, Violetpaw launched under him, causing him to stumble.
She pinned him to the ground swiftly, pressing a paw down on his throat.
Fear, happiness and pride shined in his eyes.

Then, a memory flashed in her mind.
Of Cardinal pinning down her father, an evil smirk on her face.
Cardinal didn't even have to be there to scare Violetpaw.She trembled, leaping off Gorgepool.

"What's wrong? You were doing so well!"Gorgepool frowned, his eyes worried.

"Nothing.I'm just exhausted."she panted, feeling cold.

"I'm going to get some sleep."she mumbled, turning and hurrying off, not even waiting for a response.

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