Six: A New Scar

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Violetpaw's PoV ~

Violetpaw trotted through the forest, head low and tail high. She was sniffing the ground for any scent of a fox.
A patrol yesterday had said they saw fresh fox-dung near a bloody pile of feathers. The fox needed to be stopped, so Violetpaw went alone.

As she trampled through the woods, she felt sure she was going in the right direction. She was even more sure when she heard a low growling sound coming from a burrow in the ground.
A bright orange snout poked out from the burrow, sending shivers of fear down her spine.

She'd never actually thought of what she'd do if she found the fox.
Could she beat it by herself? Highly doubtful. But I guess, she'd have to try.

She unsheathed her claws, baring her teeth in a loud snarl.She fluffed up her neck and body fur, trying to make herself look bigger -- although it probably just made her look like a fluffy bowling ball.

The fox didn't hesitate before leaping at her, its hot breath in her face.It sliced a paw at her chest, but she leapt away just in time, slipping on wet leaves.
The fox took the opportunity of her being flat on the ground to strike her across the muzzle.Violetpaw tried to get up, but she was blinded by the blood in her eyes. She lashed out weakly with her claws, but knew she didn't stand a chance. She felt the razor sharp claws of the fox continue to slash her muzzle, and felt her vision going dim.

And as darkness consumed her, she heard the sound of the fox whimpering and running away.


Violetpaw woke up in a den full of fresh moss.It smelt like honey and catmint in there.Off to the corner of the den was a young cat, who looked about Violetpaw's age, or younger.
The strange apprentice seemed to be fine, other than the fact she was sleeping, a tight frown on her face.Violetpaw wondered why she was in there.

Violetpaw went to sit up, but winced and sat back down.Her face was so sore and in pain, for a moment she thought it must've shredded her muzzle to nothing.She blinked open her eyes again, looking but not seeing anything wrong with her face.All see saw was a blurry red and black snout.

"You're finally awake, I see,"a smoky gray tom meowed as he entered the den, bringing in a strong smell of clover. "You feeling better? I'm Archtail, SeagullClan's medicine cat."

He looked smart enough, and he was a medicine cat, so Violetpaw decided to talk to him.Narrowing her eyes ever-so-slightly, she replied, "Violetpaw."

"What were you doing fighting a fox alone, Violetpaw? It was very irresponsible of you and your Clanmates.I'll have to talk with that leader of yours.Brackenstar was always doing things he mustn't."Archtail swirled his tail around his head, a light scowl on his face.

Violetpaw shook her head quickly, resulting in a splitting pain in the side.
"Don't! It wasn't my Clanmates fault or the leaders at all.It was mine.I thought I'd just find it and get rid of it, I know now that it was irresponsible of me."

Archtail didn't looked pleased, but nodded slightly. "Very well, I won't tell Brackenstar unless Dandelionstar tells me to."he flicked his gaze to the other apprentice, eyes warming a bit.
"Lostpaw leapt into the clearing with you, ahead of his patrol to save you.
He's always been too soft.
He got his side clawed terribly.I fear for his life.He's my sister's son."

Violetpaw wondered why his name was Lostpaw, but shook it off. "Thank you, Lostpaw."she whispered.

"Now,"she turned back to Archtail, who had began looking at her again. "I must see what my face looks like."she demanded.

"It's wrapped completely in cobwebs right now.I must change them, since it's bleeding through, so you can peer in a puddle while I throw away the old webs."Archtail swaggered on over and grasped the end of the cobwebs in his teeth, pulling them off swiftly.

"Ouch..."Violetpaw mumbled, about to rub her muzzle, but quickly deciding against it.

As she padded out into the clearing of the camp, she saw all eyes turn to her, and she felt her fur get hot.
Some looked sympathetic, some fearful, some disgusted and some even empathetic.

She saw a golden she-cat apprentice nudge a light orange she-cat and whisper something to her, which Violetpaw didn't hear, nor care much about.

She pushed past the crowd of cats to peer in the puddle, and let out a gasp.
Just below her eyes was a long, jagged slash in her muzzle.Her whiskers had been yanked out harshly and blood stained her whole face.Her eyes looked very red, probably from all the blood she'd gotten in them.
She was 100% she must've looked like a freak to all that saw her.

Turning swiftly on her heels, she lowered her head and ran through all the cats to get back into the medicine den. "I'm hideous!"she wailed, collapsing on the floor.

Looks had never bothered her at all before, she couldn't care less how beautiful she was.But when you become ugly, it's a very sad thing.

"Hush now!"Archtail snapped, padding over to her with a huge wad of cobwebs around his paw. "Let me clean the wound and fix it up."

Violetpaw flinched away from him, pressing her back up against the wall of the den. "Don't you dare touch me!"
she snarled, baring her teeth, although it sent a tingling sensation up her snout.

"Silverpaw,"Archtail hissed. "Help me with this troublesome apprentice, please."

Violetpaw's eyes flickered over to a silver she-cat who had apparently been sorting through herbs in the corner all along.She looked up, before stuffing something back into the shelf and hurrying over. "What can I help you with, Archtail?"

"Hold her still while I apply the cobwebs to her wound."Archtail meowed coolly, although Violetpaw could tell he was trying not to snap.

Silverpaw did as he said, walking around to gently place her paws on Violetpaw's back.She pressed down slighting, holding the black she-cat still. "There."

Violetpaw hated the fact they were basically ignoring her.
She wriggled, wanting to make this as hard for Archtail as she could.
She didn't trust him at all, he had that sketchy glint in his eyes.

Violetpaw didn't like the pressure Silverpaw was placing on the spine of her back, either.The young apprentice didn't know any better, but Violetpaw doubted she would move her paws even if she asked her to.

Deep in thought, she didn't even notice Archtail applying the webs until it was complete, and he'd walked away to do something else. The pressure lifted off her back and Silverpaw stormed away, not seeming angry, just being how she walked.

"Now, if you're better now, I'll get Dandelionstar to send you back home.Don't do anything that might reopen the sealed wound.Also keep cobwebs and herbs on it at all times, getting it infected would be terrible."
Archtail droned, his voice bored.

"H-how terrible?"she muttered, feeling a stone drop in her stomach.
She'd probably be confined to the medicine den back home, knowing Brackenstar.

"You could lose an eye or two, or possibly die,"Archtail shrugged. "Mabye worse?"

What's worse than dying?

Violetpaw had a very strong feeling that there was something wrong with Archtail.

"Well, thanks, I guess."Violetpaw scurried over to the exit. "Tell Lostpaw I said thank you."

She then rushed off to find Dandelionstar, more then ready to go home and get out of Archtail's sight.

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