Ten: Caught black pawed

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Violetpaw lifted her head lazily, the blaring heat of the sun scorching her back.Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, and it was cracked and dry.

They were currently still trapped in StreamClan camp, growing more restless by the second.

Ashenpaw, Moonpaw and Beepaw lay asleep in the sun beside her, closely watched watched by a few warriors.
Violetpaw smiled lightly, watching Beepaw as he slept, nose twitching and tail twined with Ashenpaw's.
She trusted the lanky tom to take care of Beepaw.

"Hey, stranger,"a tortoiseshell and white she-cat plopped herself down beside Violetpaw, eyes friendly and wide. "I'm Marblepaw."

"Hello,"Violetpaw sighed heavily, fixing the apprentice with a slightly hostile look. "Violetpaw."

"Pretty! I'm sorry Foxstar has you trapped her, I don't know what's up with him."Marblepaw looked uneasily over to where the fox-like tom sat beside Brackenstar, both with narrowed eyes and lashing tails.

"It's fine, I guess,"Violetpaw shrugged, watching a black tabby pad over to them. "It's not horrible being here; a change of scenery."

"Hey, Frogpaw!"Marblepaw beamed at the young cat, leaning into him to muzzle his cheek.

"Violetpaw, his is my adoptive brother, Frogpaw!"

Frogpaw waved his tail shyly, his eyes darting to and away from Violetpaw.

"Hi."Violetpaw scoffed, looking at his puny build.She usually wasn't judgemental, but Frogpaw was just-so lanky and thin? Not that that was a bad thing...

Frogpaw flinched lightly, backing up a step and pressing himself against Marblepaw. "I came to ask if you were hungry.."

"Oh, ugh, not really, but thanks."Violetpaw's stomach then decided to rumble, which made Frogpaw giggle.

He hurried away, returning quickly with a limp otter in his jaws. He dropped it at her paws. "Here!"

"Thank you-?"Violetpaw forced a smile, and as soon as the two left, she kicked it over to Beepaw.

It was time to figure out what was going on here.Something definitely was.

Violetpaw walked around camp, sticking her head everywhere: in bushes, dens and piles of grass.
She was searching for any clues, or anything suspicious.

She heard low snoring coming from the leaders den when she passed it, and froze in place, backtracking to stand in front of it. That didn't sound like Foxstar's snoring, it smelt like- Brackenstar's?

She poked her head in the den, and choked on a gasp at the sight before her.

Brackenstar lay on his side in the den, side rising and falling as he slept.The quite loud snore came from his mouth and his paws and tail twitched.
But what made Violetpaw narrow her eyes was the fact that Foxstar was curled up around Brackenstar, his fuzzy black paws tangled in the CloudClan leader's.
Their tails were twined, and Foxstar's muzzle was pressed against Brackenstar's neck.

"Oh my StarClan...."Violetpaw muttered, eyes stretching to saucers.

"Oh, my lovely Brackenstar,"Foxstar whispered coolly, running a paw down the sleeping cat's chin. "So, so beautiful, yet so, so far away....If only you could stay with me...forever.."
he pouted.

Eww, gross!

Violetpaw so wanted to hurry away, but she couldn't help but watch and listen, eager to hear what else Foxstar would say.

"Look, Brackenstar, I know you're asleep, but I swear to StarClan, I'll find a way for us to be together."the fierce determination and lust in Foxstar's meow sent chills down Violetpaw's back, and she quickly ducked out of the den, scurrying back to her nest beside Moonpaw.

Her breathing intensified as she lied there, nervous.Had he seen her, or at least heard her leave?

A choking snort sounded beside her, indicating someone had woken up.But she didn't care enough to look.
She just pressed herself further into the ground.

"Violetpaw? What's wrong?"Moonpaw yawned, walking over to lay down in front of her, eyes glazed with sleepiness.

"N-Nothing,"Violetpaw forced a weak smile onto her face. "Just, a bad dream-?"

"Tell us,"Ashenpaw padded over to them, Beepaw stumbled closely behind him. "or else."

Violetpaw glared at him. "Really! Nothings wrong."
Why were they being so difficult?

"Please, Violetpaw.I know you, you don't act like this unless you've seen something that bothered you."
Beepaw nudged her neck gently.

She rattled out a sigh, glancing up at the sky.Would telling the apprentices what she saw only make it worse?
Surely someone other than her should know, though?

"Okay, fine,"Violetpaw growled. "But you have to promise not to tell, and we must go someone else."

They all nodded furiously, eyes sparkling with the same look of excitement.

Violetpaw stalked over to Thundercloud and Fallenheart, the two cats watching them.
"Can we move out of the blistering sun and into some shade? Please?"she snapped.

Fallenheart looked at her blankly, no emotion of her face. "No."she replied, turning around and sitting down.

Thundercloud snorted. "You heard the boss,"he shrugged smugly, shooting Beepaw such a mean, dirty look, Ashenpaw bared his teeth, stepping closer to the trembling apprentice.

"Please?"Moonpaw batted her eyelashes. "We're just so hot in sun! We need some shade.......You don't want to have to tell Foxstar that we all died under your watch, do you?"she said sweetly.

Thundercloud growled. "Fine,"he thrusted his muzzle mere inches away from Moonpaw's. "But if you dare try to escape, or ask for more, I'll personally shred your pelt and feed it to the snakes."he hissed sharply.

Moonpaw glared back at him, not at all scared. "Do it, tough guy."

"Come on,"Violetpaw shoved the tom away, whisking Moonpaw towards some shade. "Let's not be getting into argues."she huffed.

As they all sat down in a shaded corner, and Thundercloud and Fallenheart went to change off cats, Violetpaw cleared her throat.

"I knew something was wrong here, Foxstar didn't want Brackenstar to leave.Foxstar threatened me, growled at me and was rude to me whenever I said anything about taking Brackenstar home.So, I decided to investigate.When the guards were swapping, I hurried around the camp and looked for them.
I finally heard Brackenstar snoring in the leader den, and decided to peek in,"Violetpaw looked at her paws, embarrassed. "They were cuddled up around each other in the den, Foxstar whispering about how he loved Brackenstar while our leader slept."
she winced.

Moonpaw stuck out her tongue. "Ewwww! Love is sooooo gross!!!"
she then sent Beepaw and Ashenpaw an apologetic look.

"I can't believe it! Does Brackenstar like Foxstar back?"Ashenpaw gazed fiercely at Violetpaw.

"I'm not sure,"she admitted. "Although I'm assuming so, since they were cuddling? I'm pretty sure that's a two consent thing."

"What if Foxstar is forcing Brackenstar to and is a abusive, bossy mate!? What if Brackenstar refuses to do something and Foxstar kills him!?"
Beepaw cried.

"I'm sure he won't,"Ashenpaw soothed him, laying his tail on the scared apprentice's shoulder.

"I don't think it's likely,"Violetpaw mused. "I think they both like each other, having been there while they were-erm- flirting with each other the first time."

"Well, what are we going to do about it?"Moonpaw asked, curling her tail around her paws.

"I'm not sure,"Violetpaw replied. "But, I think I might have a sort of idea-?"

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