Twelve: New Cat

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Violetpaw yawned, trudging toward camp with sore, tired paws.
Her paw pads were cracked and bleeding and she could barely see in front of her.

She let out a soft growl as she heard Foxstar grunt behind her, his paw tangling in a root and causing him to nearly fall over.

She remembered clearly what had happened a few hours ago:

"Puddlecry,"Foxstar dipped his head respectfully to the tom. "I trust you to take care of this Clan well."

The bluish gray tom's eyes widened. "W-what are you talking about, Foxstar!? You're a great leader! What's going on?"his azure eyes flickered over to Brackenstar quickly, before returning to the StreamClan leader.

"I'm leaving to join CloudClan,"the russet tom explained. "I've found where I belong.You will be a great leader, Puddlestar.Farewell."

The whole Clan had broken down in a fit of anger and sadness.Some called Foxstar weak, pathetic and a traitor, and some just cried.

Violetpaw shook her head, bounding the rest of the way into camp.
She ignored the whispers and voices asking, "Are you okay?" and scurried for the apprentice den, exhausted.

She skidded to a stop as Tawnyfur leapt into front of her, blocking the way to the apprentice den.Her eyes were patient and calm, yet slightly upset. "Violetpaw,"she said softly. "we have to talk."

Violetpaw glanced behind her at where everyone was greeting Brackenstar and the apprentices, and glaring at Foxstar.

"Fine."she huffed, following her foster mother as she led her toward the elders den and slipped behind it.
Violetpaw squeezed into the gap as well, nearly scraping her side.

"Is there anything you have to tell me?"Tawnyfur let out a huge sigh, watching Violetpaw closely with her weary yellow eyes.

"W-what do you mean?"Violetpaw looked down at her paws.

"Firstly, you fought a fox all by yourself.Secondly, ever since Fernpaw's
death, you've been acting strange.Thirdly, you seem depressed and angry, bottling up all your feelings.We haven't had a light, cheery talk in a while."Tawnyfur nudged Violetpaw's head, telling her to lift it.

Violetpaw raised her chin, eyes sparkling with tears. "Tawnyfur, you don't understand either! You'll never know how much Fernpaw meant to me!"she sobbed, slumping onto the ground, head resting on the tortoiseshell and white she-cat's paws.

"You're right, Violetpaw, I won't understand,"Tawnyfur said quietly. "but I'll try.For my daughter."


Me? Her daughter?

Violetpaw sobbed once more, burrowing deeper into Tawnyfur's gentle, kind embrace.She outstretched her sheathed paws, latching onto her mother's paws.

"Thank you.....Mother."


Violetpaw trotted through the forest, Foxbite and Moonpaw behind her.
"This is the apprentice training area,"
She thrusted her muzzle to the sandy spot, and Foxbite nodded.

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